florida man ignores journal for *five* years

Feb 06, 2022 19:18

holy hell it's been awhile. seeing the date of the last time I posted is chronologically terrifying both because that means it's been 5 years since I posted and that also means it's been at least 5 years since I moved to Florida.

anyone still here? what up? I still miss journal format fandom. reading my old entries, I was a hell of a lot funnier in my teens and twenties then I am now.

same as always, I don't really have fandoms but instead a sort of ever rotating cohort of media that my brain latches onto. currently reading a whole bunch of DS9 fic and watching resident alien. wwdits? perfection. succession? got to find out who will be the number one candy baby. I'm being murdered by pokémon in Arceus.

what else we missed over the past 5 years?? definitely not a lawyer, whoo boy, who thought that was a good idea? I work in media now. Ace still. Cats still. haven't made an icon or a vid or a fic in years, but sometimes I make funny Tumblr posts.

anyway, if you happen to be passing through these fannish tumbleweeds, hello.

edit: oh my god my mood gifs still work, whatever random server they're hosted on is the MVP

hi flist, oh: life, yearly posting, my life is a cutaway from family guy, oh: lj

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