fantasy dreidel leagues

Dec 24, 2009 15:01




+You know that Kris Allen fellow I may on occasion natter on about here and on twitter? Well there is now an informative and hilarious primer up that goes through who he is, all of his pre-Idol music, his post-Idol CD, his band, and why he is like a presh Death Eater, but in reverse. GO.

+AND OH SHI--y'all, I found several holiday cards I forgot to mail out in my car, so...gah, I'm so sorry, bbs. they are coming, promise.

+Also, I'm writing this in a laundromat because our basement flooded and our rugs and some clothes on the floor were soaked. I'm the only one here, and it's seriously like a grade-A sketch place with peeling paint everywhere and a soda machine circa 1982 but it was the only one open. Also, one of the driers is apparently possesed, it keeps on turning on and off by itself at will. But at least here there is running water and a restrom, two things currently not available at our house. Merry Christmas Eve, am I right? It's also my mom's birthday, so today is like double fail for her.

music: kris can get his own tag i guess, oh: life, holiday: tis the season, tv: supernatural, music, tv: this is not an american idol tag, holiday: holidaze

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