I knew it was you

Apr 13, 2009 22:48

Hmm. This was an all right ep. Things I liked:
-Jill (but I always like Jill, I think she throws a fun-yet-sad wrench into Chuck's situation)
-"The Morgan"
-Chuck letting Jill go, and trying to help the Fulcrum agent. Chuck's just a good person. ♥
-Casey in the window-washing gear, "Beauty and the Beast" LMAO.
-Casey and Sarah's initial reactions to turning in Chuck. Both very IC.
-THE GODFATHER REFERENCE, oh, I cracked up. Poor Morgan.

Things I did not like:
-Really show, you expect me to believe they decide to walk into Fulcrum with nothing but glasses for disguise? When we know (and the NSA knows) that facial recognition technology exists?
-the pace of the ep was sloooow
-The Sarah not turning in Chuck. While it's IC for her not to, I could equally see her turning Chuck in. I was sort of hoping the show might take a total twisty turn and have Chuck get locked up.
-the previews for next week. At the end of last season I was SO excited for Sarah and Chuck to get together, and now for some reason after this season I am just not feeling it. I don't know. We'll see what happens next week.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG. Was there an actual plot to the episode? Because I spent most of it going BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG. Ravi Kapoor was one of my favorite actors off of Crossing Jordan, so it was a pleasant surprise to see him as young Chandra.

Other than that, it was another pretty good episode. The concept was great, but I don't think the execution worked so well. Particularly the part where the entire cast has to talk into a wind tunnel for 3/4 of the episode. But helloooo scruffy HRG and Nathan. That was worth a little dust storm.

I completely loved that it was an Angela ep, though, and that it showcased her relationship with Alice. And was that a little young Angela/Charles I spied going on? I could totally get behind a pre-Petrelli relationship for them.

AND THEN THE END. \o/. Five Years Gone is probably my favorite out of all the alternate futures, and if the next shapeshifting Sylar plot comes even close to how cool that episode was I will be in fangirl heaven. Also, Angela totally smiled when she saw Nathan!Sylar. What's that about there, hmm?

And now, off to continue slogging away through work and cases. Only four more weeks.

tv: brainz, tv: nerd herd

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