Dec 03, 2009 22:24
I'm interested, but it's not that black & white.
It actually is, you're either into this, or your not, it really is simple. You either want it all, or none of it. You're gonna break my fucking heart. And you know what the worst part is, I am totally going to let you. Cause I am that stupid, and that silly because you're a handsome, intelligent guy who has his shit together, and fuck, I cannot resist that.
There I was, a silly fucking bitch, I was all La La La, I had my man jokes, and my purse puns. I was dressed all chic, just got my beautiful boots fixed. I got you a great bottle of wine, that I am sure you didn't know that it was a good bottle, a 30$ bottle to be exact - and then you ask me to rip up carpet. And the worst part is, I did it. I ripped it up, and you didn't even fucking look at me. I knew Polish were hard workers and cold - but this ridiculous.
But this is me. Men like this find me. He pursued me!
I should've known considering he is a good friend of acne pustules Stephen - who I have seen all around town, living in his Yaletown apartment with his boyfriend of 6 months. Whatever, I still remember when he was dedicated to the army soldier who lived on a boat - you can purchase as many 'cute' manbags as you like but I remember you when you wore relaxed fit jeans with cropped tops.
I am just in a generally bitchy fucking mood.