Mar 06, 2010 09:42
So things were pretty normal this week. Went to class, went to work, yada yada yada. Well, except for the part where someone tried to rob me as I was getting onto the metro. I was about to get onto the train when I felt a weird little tug on my purse. I put my hand where the tug was and ended up grabbing SOMEONE ELSE'S HAND. The guy pulled his hand away and walked away. The only way he could have looked more fake-innocent would have been if they were whistling as they walked away, hands in pockets. It was the first time that I've been aware of someone trying to rob me, and see as how I have not been robbed yet, well, I'm either unconsiously self-defensive or no one has tried to rob me. It was weird.
So that's criminals part 1. To keep things going in order, I shall now tell you about my favorite mountain ever. It's called Montserrat, or "holy mountain" in Catalan. It's a very unique mountain, a strange type of rock that I don't know how to describe. This weird, fingery- looking mountain is the holy place of the Catalunya region. It. Is. Gorgeous. The views from the top of the mountain, which you can get to through a series of funiculars and trains, are amazing. Add to that the fact that there are the ruins of some old hermatiges, because (being the holy center of Catalunya) of course there is a monastary up there. Tucked into a little/ medium sized crevice of the mountain is a monastary, which now has a hotel, museum, and some little shops and food places. The monastary was built there because, according to legend, some shepards around the year 1000 followed a light and found a statue of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus in a cave. because of some weird scientific thing that had made it black for a while, the statue is called the "Black Mary" and recieves visits from tourists and pilgrims alike. The basilica is quite gorgeous. But really, it's the setting of the place, tucked into this odd mountain, that really gives the place a feeling of the holy and sacred. Especially when, like us, it rains the whole time you are on the train and then BAM hello Montserrate and sunshine. And then you run into rain again on the way home. It was almost like the sun decided to ONLY shine on Montserrat yesterday. I love hiking there, and the views are just as impressionable the second time as they are the first. It is a truly awe inspiring kind of place.
On a completely different note, one of the mountians looks like an elephant, one like snoopy, and one like a pharoah. It's great.
Also, I almost lost my camera to the mountain. i was sitting on a sloped ledge and bumped my camera and it started to roll and bounce down. Luckily it came to a stop not too far down and I was able to go down a little and fetch it back. We both made it back safe and sound, only insiginificantly scratched up from the experience. It was funny.
After that I ran home and ate and then ran out the door. I had to go see this movie for my cine class. It's called Celda 211. Talk about a heavy movie. It's about a prison guard type dude who goes into work a day early. UNfortunately, this day happens to be the day the inmates decided to have a riot. The new guy ends up stuck in the prison with the prisoners and has to pretend to be one of them because if he doesn't they are for sure going to kill. It's one of those movies where the lines between good and bad, black and white are severly blurred and sometimes changed over entirely. Add to it the violence and... well... HEAVY. But soooo good. The whole audience was just sitting there, wide eyed and oen mouhted, as the credits were rolling. Amazing.
So after that thigns went back to usual, I went out with Javi and his friends Judith and Ernesto, and have been trying to finish this puta mierda of a book called Crepúsculo, or Twilight in English. I am not even going to BEGIN to discuss it here, because I will just rant on forever and ever about how awful it is.
Ya está. Tonight is the going away party for the program, then I've got finals to worry about, then the choir comes, then I go home. So bizarre.
p.s.- i am sitting on my terrace saoking up sun and hoping for a little tan. it might actually be possible. Be jealous. :-D