New Vid: The New Adventures of Superwoman (Smallville - Title Credits)

May 10, 2011 06:49

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Title:  The New Adventures of Superwoman
Song: Smallville Alternate Theme by Louis Febre
Summary:  Title credits for Lane and Kent: The New Adventures of Superwoman.  An AU based on Prophecy and this drawing of mine, but with the role reversal of Lois Lane as the mild-mannered, bespectacled reporter/superhero called Superwoman, and Clark Kent as the intrepid, award winning,  danger-seeking reporter that falls for the superhero.  Perry White, Lena "Tess" Luthor, Cat Grant, and Jimmy Olsen are also among the main cast (because that would be the most awesome cast).

Poster and Download Link will be available May 11, 2011.

pairing: clark kent/lois lane, fandom: smallville, character: lois lane, vids, character: jimmy olsen, character: cat grant, pairing: clois, character: perry white, character: tess mercer, character: clark kent/superman

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