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Office Space ladygawain December 21 2010, 03:36:30 UTC
Office Space
Spoilers: Homecoming, I've been meaning to write about that office of theirs for months. Here goes nothing, I guess!

Office Space

”Keep on grinning, Smallville. But you do realize that I’m going to get those guys from Ops to change our names around tomorrow, right?”

He looked at the glass with unconcealed satisfaction. “Oh come, on, Lois - ‘Kent and Lane’, I think it has a certain ring to it.”

Lois rolled her eyes and dumped her purse on her desk. “Please, we all know my name comes first on the byline - no need to confuse people.”

He shook his head and shut the door, locking it surreptitiously behind his back. Knowing Lois, she’d hound the Operations personnel until they switched their names around - he almost felt sorry for them. Leaning against the door frame, he watched her move around their new office, the excitement springing in each step, in the way she clasped her hands together and touched each surface with a possessive gleam in her eye.

“I can’t believe Perry finally decided to give us our own office.”

Clark secretly suspected that the Editor-in-Chief had gotten tired of finding them doing something other than reporting in various storage closets, print rooms, phone booths; heck, even the elevator. Perry’d probably figured that a private space of their own to churn out front-page, award-winning stories in between other stuff was the lesser of two evils. Although, he did wonder, every now and again, about the way the older man looked at him every time Superman made a save and he hurried into editorial meetings with his tie askew and his glasses perched on the end of his nose. Perhaps there was more to it than that.

“Well, we do bring in some of the biggest bylines, Lois - if we can’t really get promotions, we might as well get our own office space.”

Lois plopped down on the couch pushed just under the windows, her arms behind her head in a relaxed pose. “And we even get our own couch… handy isn’t it?”

He pushed off the door, hands stuffed in his pockets and walked toward her. “Oh yeah, all those late nights investigating…”

Lois sat up, running her gaze down his body with a smile curving her mouth and nodded. Without warning she yanked on his tie and brought his face down to hers, his arms flailing awkwardly until he balanced himself on the back of the couch.

“Oh, Clark - I think we can find better uses for this couch that.” Her fingers skated along his chest before she arched her brow. “Don’t you?”

He grinned and pressed a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth, skimming the seam of her lips with his tongue before plunging inside. Lois moaned and lay along the length of the couch, bringing him with her. He slipped and knocked a vase off the table. He pulled his head back with a muttered curse at the conspicuous crash of breaking glass.

“Jeez, Smallville, you kiss your mother with that mouth?”

“No, Lois, but I get to kiss you.” He dropped his head to suckle on her lower lip. They’d clean the vase when they got more important things out of the way.

Lois pulled back from the kiss, breathing unsteadily as her hands made quick work of his tie and moved quickly onto his shirt buttons. “Did you lock the door?”

He buried his face in her neck and said, “Yep.”

“This is why I love you, Smallville - always thinking ahead…” She drifted into silence when he slid his tongue along her clavicle and his hand started inching her skirt up her thighs.


Perry paused, fist mid-air, when he heard glass shatter behind the closed door. He shook his head, exasperated but unsurprised, and headed back to his office. “Figures - kids these days.”


Re: Office Space chrisluvstommy December 21 2010, 03:40:04 UTC
Oooh ooh and they are busting up furniture WIN!


Re: Office Space theclexfactor December 21 2010, 04:13:23 UTC

And also, you beat me to it, lol.


Re: Office Space ladygawain December 21 2010, 04:26:35 UTC
I totally failed to work the smut in *is lame* so PLEASE PLEASE I can't wait to read your smabble!


Re: Office Space theclexfactor December 21 2010, 04:37:50 UTC
No this was perfectly fine. Sometimes just the idea is even more erotic because we can then come up with our own dirty ideas. It's like the Elevator scene in Charade, lol.

But my idea was slightly different, so I probably will anyway, lol.


Re: Office Space ladygawain December 21 2010, 04:47:29 UTC
I can't wait!!!!!!

This is the best idea EVER!!!


Re: Office Space svgirl_203 December 21 2010, 07:23:03 UTC
Clark may have been on to something about this being part of the reason Perry gave them the office, lol.


Re: Office Space celticbabe2002 December 21 2010, 10:09:45 UTC
Aw Maggie, you stopped at the best part /whine! LOL

Natasha is right, sometimes not giving the specifics makes it better...and other times it's very much needed. Loved it!

I love that no one is taking the 100 words thing seriously LOL.


Re: Office Space theclexfactor December 21 2010, 11:57:15 UTC
LOL, I didn't take the 100 words things seriously either, which is why I had to change it to 500.


Re: Office Space emerald_night December 22 2010, 02:22:26 UTC
Ohhh I love this! And yes, their office in Homecoming needed to be written about!


Re: Office Space sv_lilah December 22 2010, 06:25:33 UTC
Oh my God.... I love this! I've been waiting for a fic like this scene Homecoming!


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