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chrisluvstommy December 20 2010, 22:21:52 UTC

His large hands gripped her slim hips stroking the soft fabric of the deep red dress she wore causing her to arch in anticipation. She lifted her head, her hazel eyes heavy lidded as she smirked into sultry green eyes. Lifting the dress she slid onto his lap her hands winding themselves around his shoulders.

Leaning over she licked at his kiss swollen lips. Her hands fisting in his jet black hair. His hands gripped her waist tighter pushing her down over his erection that tented his black dress pants. His hands inched higher caressing and stroking her thigh in tantalizing circles his fingers stroking towards her center seeking her heat.

She bite down on his lush lower lip as she felt his finger stroke her center causing him to moan aloud.


“Mr Kent we’re here.” came the voice over the intercom.

They parted guilty. Flushed and beyond aroused Clark cleared his throat.

“Drive around the block again Danny were still …”

He looked into Lois’ mischievous hazel eyes. “ talking.”


celticbabe2002 December 20 2010, 22:24:33 UTC
Love. it! Your muse has obviously having a break for Clark Luthor, I say take full advantage!


airygold December 20 2010, 22:30:45 UTC
Love it! Glad the drabble muse got you!


thecrownsmine December 20 2010, 23:04:21 UTC
LOL, that's quite an interesting *ehem* conversation;) Sometimes words are unnecessary. I would love to read more. Great way to kick off the challenge Chris.


Element of Surprise celticbabe2002 December 20 2010, 23:03:18 UTC
He’d been gone all of ten minutes when he came home to find Lois bent over with her ass sticking out of the fridge, wearing nothing but his blue and white plaid shirt. Within seconds, his black pants were pooled at his ankles; she’s pressed against the fridge door gasping as she’s impaled on his erection.

“Someone’s impatient,” she joked breathlessly as he pounded her against the door, his tongue traced the shell of her ear.

“Told you,” He grunted, “not to move.”

“You sh…” Her words ended in a moan as his nimble fingers moved to flick across her sensitive clit, causing her to bang her elbow on the door and drop the block of cheese she’d been holding.

She clutched at the collar of his red leather jacket, pulled his lips to hers as with one final thrust they came together, the kiss somewhat muffling their cries.

It was in moments like this that Lois was grateful that Clark had superpowers, with his superspeed the element of surprise would always do wonders for their sex life.


Re: Element of Surprise theclexfactor December 20 2010, 23:06:18 UTC
Why are you guys so awesome? I need to get a move on.


Re: Element of Surprise thecrownsmine December 20 2010, 23:10:37 UTC
DAYUM! Karen you've been hiding your smut under a bushel. *fans self* That was HOTT!!


Re: Element of Surprise celticbabe2002 December 24 2010, 00:41:59 UTC
Not hiding, more I was retired.


Aftershocks theclexfactor December 20 2010, 23:31:31 UTC
Lois lazily opened her eyes and took in the state of their bedroom. Pieces of vinyl lay in shreds, parts of it hanging off the edge of the bed, the rest she couldn’t be arsed to care. The rope had been an adventurous idea, but then again it hadn’t been a match for her…overzealous husband. One stiletto remained hanging loosely from her foot, and the thought might have made her laugh if another spasm hadn't wracked her body like an aftershock. The red leather-clad arm held her down, keeping her steady as he continued to stroke and lick her through her climax.

"You're so beautiful like this," the voice of her husband whispered huskily. And really only someone like Clark Kent could get away with saying something so cliché looking up from between her legs, wearing his Blur jacket and nothing else. Lois insisted he keep it on. Clark insisted she keep the domino mask. "If I'd known you would come apart like that--"

"What,” Lois interrupted breathlessly, “you would've played Bluretto with me sooner?"


chrisluvstommy December 20 2010, 23:36:14 UTC
*jumps up and down*


OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fucking with the Blur jacket OMG I'm SUCH A PERV!!!


celticbabe2002 December 20 2010, 23:41:29 UTC
This is news?


celticbabe2002 December 20 2010, 23:36:28 UTC
OMG, I've been craving Bluretto fic for ages! Finally, those crazed Bluretto fans will be happy, I mean the ones from Stiletto!

Okay, I now need to see Clark wear ONLY the Blur jacket and at some other point, only the HRJ.


1984 theclexfactor December 21 2010, 00:32:14 UTC
(I must be in mood or something)

This place was a hub, for information and briefing of potentially dire situations. This space was a haven for the costumed heroes to unmask as be themselves. They’d all gathered here for some of the biggest moments of their lives. The time Clark thought he would have to leave Earth forever. The time they banded together against a monster with Clark’s face. Through wedding showers, Thanksgivings, and bachelor parties, the Watchtower had evolved from a war room into a second home for the heroes and their families.

And on this particular night, the Blur was supposed to be on duty. But his fiance had shown up with other ideas. With his head thrown back, the lights from the moon and the monitors casting shadows across the occupied couch, and Lois’ hair tickling his chest as she continued to move on him, Clark was thankful for the late hour and the slow night.

He really really hoped Big Sister wasn’t watching at this particular moment.


Re: 1984 chrisluvstommy December 21 2010, 00:47:21 UTC
OOOOOHHHHHH Yay more pron!!!

I heart you soooo hard


Re: 1984 celticbabe2002 December 21 2010, 01:11:17 UTC
OH, LMAO. I just alluded to WT! We seem to be in sync!

Ah, when lois wants some, she wants some.


Re: 1984 theclexfactor December 21 2010, 03:00:01 UTC
LOL, we are the same person!


The Bolder Clark Kent. celticbabe2002 December 21 2010, 01:04:17 UTC
Lois studies the drinks menu as she’s waiting in line at the local coffee shop, awaiting her post-breakfast-pre-lunch-after-snack-coffee fix when she feels someone’s arms wrap around her waist from behind. He nuzzles her hair, gently bites her ear. She giggles as her fingers interlink with his ( ... )


Re: The Bolder Clark Kent. chrisluvstommy December 21 2010, 01:09:46 UTC
SWEET!!!! Look at what Tasha let looooose!!


Re: The Bolder Clark Kent. celticbabe2002 December 24 2010, 00:46:49 UTC
It's like a sickness really.


Re: The Bolder Clark Kent. airygold December 21 2010, 02:27:21 UTC
What a fantastic idea this drabble challenge was!


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