Some people amaze me...

Nov 17, 2008 07:15

And not in a good way.  I want to thank mskatej  for bringing this to my attention because...just...

Anyway, this post inspired me to finally have something to say about Prop 8 that hasn't already been said (as far as I know):

So what I asked this person was: You don't think there's a big difference between a group whose history has been about violence and taking or keeping rights away from one group of people and another group who just want the same rights as everyone else? Really?

I mean, I guess understand the point you're trying to make though I totally and completely disagree, because if that were the case (or the point) then I wouldn't have the right to attend the school I want, vote, or not be a slave.

First of all, anyone that would used the mother fucking KKK as a "point of logic" needs to, oh I don't know, pick up a history book or actually talk to people that have gone up against this group.  And to compare the protests of people that want to gain rights with the mother fucking Klan is an irresponsibly stupid way to make an example.  It's called a fallacy, my dear.  And on behalf of my parents, grandparents, my enslaved ancestors, my sister who was called a nigger on the job, and myself who was referred to as "you people" at my own job, FUCK YOU.


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