it's the season to be happy

Sep 24, 2009 21:50

Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin. Praises be to the Lord of All Worlds.

I would like to start this entry by mentioning how supremely excited i am because the recess week is here. i have to make use of my recess week because there are alot of readings that i have yet to cover and i want to believe that i can revise all the modules that i've taken for the past 6 to 7 weeks. i hope i can maintain the excitement to revisit the incredibly awesome things that i learn in school when i attempt to revise my school work. haha

Okay i don't have anything particular to talk about in my entry but i have so many things i want to tell that i feel that it is safe enough for me to publish it here. heehee.

1) my parents are having a hari raya open house for the next 2 consecutive days. so my domestic mode has to be switched on at its peak man. and i can envision that having one of my siblings in the house is as good as nothing when it comes to doing work and my other sibling is leaving the country for the next few days so i'm practically alone, because i assume my parents will be the one doing the socializing. you know when you're reading this right, you must be thinking of my goodness this girl complains so much right. OH IS IT too bad ah.
but anyway, i cannot wait to see my cousins and my nephews. i love everyone one of them and i've learn to love their idiosyncracies :):) but that doesn't mean i approve of what they do sometimes. wait a minute, like who the hell cares right whether i approve or not. talk like some big shot like that. pooi.

2) i love my spanish class! this semester has been so beautiful. you see my last day of school for the week is on thursday and my last lesson for that day is Spanish. it's like WOW such a wonderful way to start the weekend awesomeness right! ohh there is this smart guy in my spanish class who seems to know alot because everytime the teacher asks something, i can hear his voice answering with such confidence. i am annoyed. it's just irritating right when people display such a facade. in retrospect, i think i am secretly jealous of smart people who show off (or maybe he genuinely wants to answer the question) or like, my heart is so blackened by evil that it's high time i keep polishing my rusty heart with lots of zikr (remembrance of Allah). Astaghfirullah (Allah forgive me!).. but i see the guy's face also i get annoyed you know.. Astaghfirullah.. okay hopefully i won't let beings like him get in the way for my love for espanol :):)

3) and omg, endless jalan raya gathering i tell youuuuu. i am excited to visit all of your houses okay :):)

4) i think think think right, haiyah, i don't know. my future is still bleak. but i'm trying to appreciate the present. :)

5) i would like to express my love and thanks to those who appreciate my cynical laughter. i realise that only girls like to hear my laughter, because it will make them laugh also. i think at the initial stage of my marriage right, my husband will be annoyed with my laughter, then when i suddenly leave the house for some business trip, he will realise how foolish he was that he was annoyed with my laughter and he missed me so much and then when i come home, he wants me to laugh to ubat rindu (heal the void?).

6) i want to share my hopes and dreams with someone. but not so soon.

love & peace.

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