Reminder for me

May 17, 2013 09:05

I thought this was a perfect reminder. You can be nice to everyone but be careful who you bring into your 'circle'.


"If someone is not there at your lowest, then don't give them the privilege to be there at your best."

1. This status is not talking about forgiveness. Allah and His messenger (pbuh) taught us to readily forgive all people.
2. This status is not talking about giving to people. The Prophetic model is to give to people for the sake of God--even when they don't give back.
3. This status is not about who you choose to be kind to, give to, or forgive. This status is about who you choose to take as a 'wali'--closest friend, protector. Who you chose to share of *yourself* with. Of course you have to be choosy about this. While the Prophet (pbuh) gave to, forgave, and was kind to all people, not everyone was taken as his closest companions! In other words, the statement is not about who you should choose to give to, forgive, or be kind to. These are things we are taught to give generally--regardless of what we get in return. The status is a statement about some of the criterion for who you let into your *closest circle*. And I think loyalty is one of the most important factors. For example, you may be kind to everyone. But would you choose just anyone to be your spouse?! Obviously a true 'wali' (protector) cannot be someone who is only around when you're at your best! Moreover, someone who you allow very close to you cannot be someone who only wants to be around when you're 'at your best'.
And of course, Allah is the ultimate Wali!

Yasmin Mogahed
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