May 14, 2013 00:05
When the horizontal line meets the vertical line, it's forms a perpendicular distance. It forms an important intersection. That's the connection between you and God (the horizontal) and between you and people (the verrical).
"One of the signs of a believer is that you shouldn't dislike people. You shouldn't despise people. You see, people, they are manifestations of God's will. They are instruments of the Divine will. So why should I be upset with them? dislike them or to despise them? It's not really them that's doing things, Allah has given you signs, via them that they are doing things. And that informs your relationship. So your relationship with Allah Ta'ala informs your relationship with everyone else. In other words, you can't claim to have a strong Divine relationship but at the same time people can't stand you. Something's wrong." -Shaykh Walead Mosaad