Sep 20, 2010 22:48
[Consider this just before the Shadows started being solid with faces for sanity's sake.]
An area of Silent Hill just went ... slightly berzerk.
The imagery of the buildings has shifted in that area - a little less small town, a little more cramped city. It's labyrinthine, but still as shattered as ever.
In one of the few open areas, there's a black Porsche 365a, in weirdly immaculate condition for Silent Hill; the headlights are on, the engine is running, but it's unattended and otherwise still. On the wall behind it, in blood, are the words: "WE FOUND YOU SHERRY"; scattered throughout the area are various other cheerful things - "TRAITORS PAY THE PRICE", "NO-ONE ESCAPES", "THERE IS NO 'OUT'", "LIAR", "YOU WILL ALWAYS BE SHERRY", "JOIN YOUR SISTER", etc.
Flocks of ragged, tatty, fluttering crows wheel overhead calling. Half-formed figures pulled together from black cloth and leather with ragged black feathers straggling from the shoulders slink along rooftops, and occasionally there's a glimpse of a shape with a sniper rifle. More coherent, almost human shapes slink along unnaturally, similarly stitched together, some faceless-flat-black, some with bloody, almost melted seeming faces, long claws out the sleeves of the ragged black coats that drape over their twisted frames. Occasionally a few of them will break off to chase a lurking shadow, but otherwise?
They're slinking along between shadows, darting about, pulling open hiding places, and seem to be searching.
Somewhere, there's a narrow hole in a crumbling wall, just deep enough to be longer than the reach of the claws, in a shadowed corner, where what seems to be an eight year old girl is currently wadded into a ball with two of the black figures that've just loped to the entrance of the alley in pursuit.
detective conan: ai haibara,
homestuck: karkat