Let's get DANGerous!

Mar 24, 2007 08:45

How do you link YouTube vids in an lj post? I am going to the dark side because I feel strongly that Julie needs to see this and I can't stand not knowing how to do something that other people can do.

Funniest moment of last night: hearing the Rock DJ pulling up the driveway and quickly removing incriminating handcuffs from pretty girl. I think they're still hidden under my laundry basket. Tra la la. I'm so classy.

I'm also pink. I love the shape of women. The differences between them and the same - all soft and good to touch. But, as all up as I am about diversity, I can't help wondering...HOW did I get a freckle down there? Not even 'if I was the kind of girl who sunbathed nude I guess it could happen' kind of freckle...no, inside the outer labia. I know it's been there a while but I don't honestly know how long. Like, was it there when I was a teenager? I've lost touch with anyone who might be able to tell me.

Oh, shut up. It's my journal, I can unexpectedly TMI you if I want to.

(Also, let me make it clear that I don't have any stupid body-image-crisis issues with this freckle...I am very much over my 'omg I am not airbrushed model therefore ugly' teenage phase. It gets boring when everyone looks the same, which means by logical extension that this freckle is cute. But I still can't help wondering at the most inappropriate times...seriously, HOW?)

Yesterday was toasty warm, and this morning is all drizzly and grey outside. They really need to start producing waterproof books so I can sit in the cool, moist air and chill out with a good read.

fangirl, le tat, weather, links

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