Yet, the water was goal as well as threat.

Mar 09, 2007 15:27

Last night I dreamed a documentary (not that I was watching a documentary, you understand, just the documentary itself) (or possibly news report?) about the disaster in the Sahara Desert:

What little water in the Sahara had frozen so that it was all crystallised and mixed in with the sand. The tribe who lived in the central Sahara were forced to leave. But, to trek out (directly east, incidentally, although it was called west) they would first need to stock up on water, which was unattainable due to the freezing. However, if they went around the hill to the witchwoman they could get water from her underground caves, if they were fast (it was maybe also going to freeze soon?) It was their only chance of survival, but there was no dramatic tension because the documentary was making it clear that they were in time still.

The witch woman let them in to the underground caves and warned them to be careful of the bottle-nosed dolphins. They started swimming through the tunnels (viewed from underneath, and very light, like a swimming pool scene in a movie) to get deeper into the caves. There was one young boy, perhaps eight, who was being caught up to by a dolphin.

(For the record, am totally not afraid of dolphins. What the hell. I'm a Kiwi, for crying out loud. But check it: yet another dream where the danger was something that lived in water.)

I think the dolphin was going to eat his spine, or maybe help him get to the next room and surface and breathe, but I woke up first. It was weird.

If the Sahara freezes, everybody, watch out for the cave-dwelling dolphins. *concerned nod*


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