Jun 29, 2006 14:55
Guinness like to give me things because I'm *cough* 'totally not an alcoholic'. They gave me and the Rock DJ each a cuddle rug for winter. Last night, I laid mine out in the living room with the Guinness logo side down, chalked a pentagram on it and set a black candle at each of the five points with a large purple candle in the centre. The colours are significant. I was curse-breaking. Plus, I like candle magic. I combined it with alcohol because then I feel less self-conscious about being a Pretentious New-Age Wannabe!(TM), because JW was home to make sure nothing would get burned down.
I don't think I broke the curse but I sealed the house. The Rock DJ came home and commented on the change before he even saw what I was doing. I was kinda spacey for a while. Staring at a candle flame for four and a half hours will apparently do that to you. Buzz buzz. Wheeeee. I need a spazztastic pretentious magic icon.
I continue to be smitten with Girlthing 2.0, and likewise her with me. We haven't had sex since that first time. We're doing the 'getting to know each other' thing. It's quite exciting. Dates and conversations and cute nicknames and near-orgasms from expensive Swiss chocolate. She is going to help me make a pattern for the coat I want to make. I think there will have to be pictures. I have a coat and a shirt and a satchel that I want; I have the fabric for the satchel already, and sketches of all three. The coat will be warm and snug and loooong. I love long coats. The fabric for it is a beautiful wool, deep black with splashes of colour, that will wrap around me to my ankles. It's possible there will be protection charms sewn into the seams, because I'm pretentious and new-age like that.
Further proof that I am a workaholic: the bank got concerned about the salary coming into my account. They called me to make sure I am still a full-time student (as well as working insane hours every week). I offered immediately to get them proof of student status again just so they have that paperwork to show their bosses, and make their jobs a little easier. I was sweet and charming and thus, they hunted out every fee they could find an excuse to reverse and made me nearly eighty dollars richer. It helps that they remember me from the start of the year when they were helping me sort out some bizarre errors, and I was similarly sweet and patient and charming. I fall into the category of someone that they know and like.
My people skills are becoming somewhat formiddable. I watch the Rock DJ a lot to see how he does it. People tend to give you all the information you need to tell them what they want to hear. It's spiffy. I am charming a swathe through the city. It's fascinating to me, who grew up as something of an outcast, to be learning how to play the Pied Piper.
I can make a difference. I can change the world.
girlthing 2.0,
social politics,