(no subject)

Oct 14, 2008 01:38

Three nights in a row, I've had nightmares about people trying to kill me. Normally I wouldn't think much of that sort of thing, except that it's been three times in a row. They've all been different dreams, other than the common theme of me trying to escape death.

The first part I can clearly remember about the first dream is that my parents weren't home and I was upset about it for some reason. I drove downtown, despite not having my driver's license in real life or in the dream. It was around 11pm and raining, but all the stores were open anyway. I went to a couple of stores, but had trouble remembering what items I had gone there for in the first place. Then I went to a Sakura-Con staff meeting of some sort [once again in spite of it being late at night]. I had to park a block or so away from the house it was being held at, so when the meeting ended I asked one of the guys there to walk with me back to my car because I was paranoid about walking around alone that late [since it was like 2-3 am at this point]. We went outside, and for some reason my car was parked next door rather than as far away as I remembered. When we approached it, we saw that the windows had been broken in and the things I had bought earlier had been stolen. The thieves [who were women] were nearby, and they were confronted by one of the other guys from the meeting. A gunfight started and I hid behind my car. The thieves started killing people and taking hostages and I managed to escape. The rest of the dream was about me and two others from the meeting running around some unfamiliar suburban area trying to find police to help us, and trying to avoid being found by the criminals who were trying to track us down and kill us before we could find help.

I don't remember as much of the second one. There were people in my neighborhood [which didn't actually resemble the one I actually live in] who were taking dogs and killing them for some reason, and I found out when they tried to come after mine. So then I got a gun for self-defense because they wanted to kill me because I knew about their crimes.

The third one was surprisingly long considering that I didn't get very much sleep last night. It started out about me going to a convention, which was pretty normal for a while, until I walked in on one of my room mates about to have sex with some guy she met. It turned out that the guy was some evil demon-type thing who started killing off my room mates in freak accidents [like in Final Destination, which I isn't surprising considering that I watched Final Destination 3 for the first time before going to bed].


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