Happy Thanksgiving... I guess. :|

Nov 27, 2008 02:26

Dear Alfed:

While you're busy stuffing your face with turkey and watching your American football today, I'm going to be in my library. Doing math.

Specifically, figuring out how much you still owe me for that whole moving out of the Netherlands thing. Remember how the Puritans didn't want to live there anymore, so I said I'd lend them the money to move to Virginia. And even when they said they'd rather just settle in Massachusetts, I was a congenial chap and let them. Well, I never got that money back, did I? I'll be recalculating how much you owe me plus interest. Last I checked, it was something to the tune of $70 Billion.

Arthur Kirkland
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

P.S.: Francis says you still owe him for that little Revolution of yours, too. Something about helping him reclaim Canada. Not that I care.

[ I love my Early History of Fashion class. <3 ]

lulz, dammit alfred, history!faggotry

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