Aug 24, 2006 13:40
I managed to make it to Pennsic for 4.5 days (4 planned + a spontaneous revisit--it's so convenient to come back for an evening when you only live 2 hours away!). It was awesome. Here are my highlights:
- Processing up for opening ceremonies as an everyday retainer with way fewer responsibilities than last year.
- Singing a song I'd never sung in public before with Brighid at the MK bardic circle.
- Watching rapier, even though I couldn't was fun to see all my friends even if only from a distance.
- Getting TONS of parenting advice...I think my brain is officially full and I'm sure that's just the beginning...
- Receiving the first official nickname for the baby...thanks, Uncle Eli!
- Waterbearing in the woods--it's hard to feel more useful than when you're offering water and gatorade to completely exhausted fighters.
- Attending a beautiful handfasting at the cathedral of Shadowclans.
- Alaric's expression when he saw me in court on Thursday night (he thought I'd gone home for good but I came back to surprise him).
- Catching up with tons of people at the midrealm party: Adam (who is back in kingdom--yay!), Angelique, Sir Lucien (who told me a funny story about A's coronet), Rory (by phone, whom we missed dearly), HG Genevieve of Ealdormere, who I'd missed catching up with during the first few days.
- Being asked to speak at some upcoming elevations--a first, and a true honor.
Now it's back to lab, where nothing much has changed lately...I'm trying a new type of experiment this week,'s kind of my last hope for my project. If it doesn't yield results it may be time to work on something totally different. Which I actually would not mind...I'm getting very tired of (and angry at) my current project. Roar!