I spent the weekend at my sister's place in Kentucky, helping her paint the exterior of her house two very nice shades of green. Was v. fun, if tiring. It's still hot down there. I was all sweaty in shorts and a t-shirt. Detroit is no longer that hot, thank God.
My paid time has expired, le sigh. But I'll have to deal for a few weeks. Next paycheck, bills to pay, then I'll see what's left over. It's v. v. random the icons that were chosen by LJ for me to use. O.o
I've been obsessed with Donnie Darko lately. I liked the movie when I was in high school, but I re-watched it the other day, and it's drawn me now much more than it ever did back then. Maybe it's something to do with the "Other"-ness of it. I also kind of want Donnie hair now. I think my Hallowe'en costume this year is going to be Donnie is his Hallowe'en costume. So I need a classic skeleton costume, a gray hoodie, and a sharpie to write the numbers on my arm. :) And
this image makes me want to redo my LJ layout. Maybe I'll think about it when I've gotten my paid account back, and when I've caught up on my homework.
Yeah, I already know what I want to be for Hallowe'en. I also know (pretty much... sorta...) what I want to write for this year's NaNoWriMo. Who else is doing it this year? Since Megan (
isokolymon) went back to Saginaw, I have no NaNo buddies in the area. *is sad* Maybe I can find new ones, but that seems doubtful. I'll have to send out the feelers on the NaNo board this October.
This truly is a random post of random. I've got to get down to the math lab and do some homework. Blah, school this semester has been keeping me so busy. I go for a full week between LJ-checks sometimes. No good, no good.