Jan 25, 2005 22:59
What were you like: refusing to use tissues. i sniffed a lot. i also tried to convince all the little gentiles that santa didn't exist.
Who was your teacher: susan hershey
Who was your best friend: mike wenc
Who did you have a crush on: mike wenc
Something random: there was this bitch in my class also named rachel who told me that her mom said jews were bad.
First Grade
What were you like: weird
Who was your teacher: sue and lucy
Who was your best friend: lindsay bridge
Who did you have a crush on: probably still mike wenc
Something random: everyone called me the smart rachel. because there was this other rachel who maybe wasn't as smart. but i always felt bad because that was a mean thing to say =/
Second Grade
What were you like: smart?
Who was your teacher: still sue and lucy
Who was your best friend: christy johnson
Who did you have a crush on: mike haha
Something random: this girl victoria duke lived in palmer. and she was a bitch. her dad's name was tom.
Third Grade
What were you like: moral
Who was your teacher: sue and lucy
Who was your best friend: margaret roche
Who did you have a crush on: jacob foley
Something random: i stood up for this girl sarah who everyone was mean to. because jennifer said her picture was ugly and i said that i liked it and that she shouldn't be mean to sarah.
Fourth Grade
What were you like: rebelious
Who was your teacher: mimi and kelly
Who was your best friend: hell i don't know i've been guessing this whole time
Who did you have a crush on: jacob foley
Something random: mimi yelled at me for blasting the radio and jacob started crying because me and lindsay both liked him.
Fifth Grade
What were you like: not liking to be friends with girls
Who was your teacher: dewitt
Who was your best friend: jacob foley
Who did you have a crush on: jacob
Something random: i decided montessori sucked ass. and probably told everyone so.