Feeling Right in Your Own Skin

Jan 11, 2013 18:01

Feeling Right in Your Own Skin | theblobmaster | PG | Kai('s body) | Self discovery? | 740 w.

This is written for exoplosion with the prompt Guilty Pleasures.

There’s a silence resting over the house. The rooms are missing their residents’ lively chatter. The clock ticks, the arms showing there’s only a short while until the familiar sound of wheels against the pavement will come along with the youngest of the household arriving from school.

True enough a little later a skateboard rolls up the driveway, coming to a stop just in front of the door. A foot pushes it up so the awaiting hand can grab it. A rustling of keys and the door clicks open with a press to its knob. The pair of shoes are being carelessly toed off in the hallway, the trusty skateboard is placed just inside leaning up against the wall until it’s needed again. The dull thump from the backpack being dropped onto the table echoes in the kitchen, as the fridge is opened with unnecessary force, the moment stills for a bit as both the coke and chocolate milk is being considered. The glasses clink, then there’s splashes from the matt light brown liquid being poured impatiently. It gets gulped down hurriedly before the glass is dumped ungracefully into the sink. The backpack gets dragged lazily off the table. Feet barely lifting as they walk up the stairs and down the hall, coming to an abrupt stop in front of the open door to the oldest of the three siblings’ room.

The eyes are still staring straight ahead not wanting to give in. The hand tightens its grip on the backpack’s strap, the heart’s beating uncontrollably fast and suddenly the lungs draws for air.
No, the brain screams. It’s wrong, it continues, but the body isn’t listening. One step, then another and before the brain can protest further, the eyes are staring down at the make up displayed neatly in front of the small mirror desk. The hand’s grip loosens and the backpack falls down on the floor with a thud. There’s an deafening thump thump thump playing in the ears. The throat is constantly trying to swallow a lump that’s stuck. The body drops resignedly down on the small tablet that’s placed in front of the desk. Tremblingly the right hand reaches out for the bronzer, knowing the powder would be too light for the skin. A gasp slips out from the lips when the brush’s soft strands first touches the cheek. The hand moves hesitantly at first, before growing bolder, moving with practised ease.
Blush, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara and lastly lip gloss is applied in the same manner. The eyes are now looking at a almost completely different face than the one that had stepped into the room. Dark eyes had become smouldering with the smokey eye make up, high cheekbones underlined with the blush and those plump lips were seemingly even more plump with the red gloss on. The legs made the body stand, the clothes that reflected in the mirror didn’t match the beautiful face that had just been in the same frame. A too big tee and loose jeans that hung low on the protruding hip bones. As the body moved closer to the closet, the heart beat faster, harder, louder. Anticipation made the wide shoulders tight with tension, when the hands touches the soft fabric of the black dress that had made the heart long for it ever since the eyes had seen it. The brain tries to stop the body one more time before giving up. It was too late now.
The tee is being tentatively taken off, the hands making sure it doesn’t touch the face. Then the belt is loosened and the jeans fall to the ground. The legs kicks them off annoyed. The eyes spot a lacy bra carelessly thrown on the floor and before the brain can get a stern warning across to the body, the hands have already fastened and slipped the bra on. Shivering in excitement the body slithers down into the dress. Standing in front of the full length mirror the body swirls to take in it’s work. The lips let out a happy sigh, letting themselves spread into a wide genuine smile.

Even if everything screamed danger to the brain, the body relaxed, finally feeling completely comfortable in its own skin. It knew it would be short lived and the brain would fill thoughts with guilt when it was over, but it was worth all of that. Nothing could beat the feeling of pleasure in that moment.

genre: !gen, character: kai, *drabbles, genre: !au

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