Twosome, Threesome & Unwillingly foursome.

Jan 02, 2013 11:33

Title: Twosome, Threesome & Unwillingly foursome.
Pairing: SuHo/Kai/Chen, side friendship!Kai/BaekHyun and ChanYeol/SeHun
Rating: G (I think.)
Word Count: 3,5 k
Warning(s): Crack, mentions of sexual activities (and a tiny bit the language.)
A/N: Written for solitair here at sncj_santa.

BaekHyun looked curiously at his new roommate. High impressive cheekbones, thin lips always set in a tiny smile and kind eyes. He seemed friendly and polite too. He had bowed 90 degrees and introduced himself as Kim JongDae before even entering the room. He shook BaekHyun’s hand, idly commenting on how nice the room looked. It was such a contrast to his previous roommate, who had just waltzed in and made himself at home without any introductions at all. He even ignored BaekHyun when he tried to initiate contact.

BaekHyun already liked his new roommate a whole lot more.

There was a knock on the door, too lazy to actually open it and with JongDae unpacking, BaekHyun just shouted a,

“Come in, the door is open.”

Soon JoonMyun came in sight, his smile forever present. JongIn trailed in behind him, looking like a mix between a lost puppy and an unsatisfied boyfriend. A look he only wears when he doesn’t get JoonMyun’s undivided attention. BaekHyun had seen that look a billion times, but it will never not amuse him. JongDae turned around from where he was arranging his clothes in his side of the closet, only to get a shock from JoonMyun being in his space.

“Hi. I’m JoonMyun, dorm head here.”

JongDae took his hand politely smiling as he introduced himself. BaekHyun tried to stop the snort that came when JongIn began to pout and his frown deepened. He looked like a little kid who had just been told that all the candy was gone. JongIn shoots him a glare only making BaekHyun start laughing. Out of the corner of his eye BaekHyun sees JoonMyun sending JongIn a pointed look, it doubles his laughter.

“Stupid couple.”

He mutters under his breath earning a kick to his shin from JongIn. JongDae looks confused at them all for a while before he exclaims,

“Ah! You two are together aren’t you?”

He asks JongIn nodding his head toward JoonMyun. A flash of panic runs over JoonMyun’s eyes at the question, he never had been comfortable about telling new people. A mischievous glint appears in JongDae’s eyes when JongIn nods and BaekHyun knows he’s going to love his new roommate. He’s even more sure when JongDae walks over to JongIn and leans in to stage whisper in the younger’s ear.

“I won’t steal your man. I’m keen on finding my own.”

He grins, winking at JongIn who’s rooted dumbfounded, before turning to JoonMyun telling him he’s ready for his dorm tour.


BaekHyun pats the spot beside him on his bed waiting for JongIn to begin whining when the other two left. The younger obeys the action and settles beside his hyung.

“So what’s troubling my little JongInnie?”

He playfully says ruffling the younger’s hair. JongIn pouts harder and let himself fall backwards down on the bed.

“He’s been gushing about this JongDae dude all morning. Apparently he’s some sort of choir celebrity.”

He shoots BaekHyun probably the most pathetic look in history. He’s thick lips quivering from pouting so hard.

“Hyung you sing too, have you heard of him?”

“You know I sing rock, choir is fucking boring. I have no idea who he is.”

BaekHyun glances at JongIn, curled up like a fetus. The younger boy hasn’t seen the way JoonMyun looks at him. The adoration, affection and love etched so clear in his eyes it almost hurt to look at. He pats the younger’s thigh and whispers,

“You have nothing to worry about.”


BaekHyun stares as ChanYeol approach him with a creepy smile, or more creepy than usual.

“I heard you got a new roommate. JongIn hates him just so you know.”

ChanYeol tells him laughing.

“It’s only because JoonMyun is JongDae’s biggest fan or something.”

ChanYeol just laughs harder, no doubt planning to tease JongIn. BaekHyun hoped he was there to witness it and maybe just give JongIn some moral support.

“JongDae is a way better roommate than you, just so you are aware.”

The loud laugh turns into a playful pout and soon BaekHyun finds himself pinned to the bed and large hands tickling his sides.


A month late BaekHyun opens the door to a very flustered JongIn. Tears are gathered in his eyes and he looks pitifully on the verge of tears. Without asking BaekHyun lets him in suddenly wishing it was an apartment so he could make hot cocoa for his friend. JongIn immediately goes for BaekHyun’s bed and dives in smothering his face in the pillow. BaekHyun settles on the edge and watches his young friend’s body shake. Out of anger or out of sadness, maybe even both BaekHyun wasn’t sure. BaekHyun always wondered why JongIn came to him when he felt sad or needed advice when his best friend was ChanYeol. ChanYeol had been BaekHyun’s first roommate, the one bringing JongIn into his life as well. Last year ChanYeol’s boyfriend’s roommate had graduated and with an unhealthy amount of begging from the both of them maybe a helping hand from JongIn too, JoonMyun had let ChanYeol move into SeHun’s room. Leaving BaekHyun alone to fend for himself.

BaekHyun knew JongIn had a jealous strike, he always had and at some point it was BaekHyun he didn’t like. JongIn once told BaekHyun or more like yelled, ‘Don’t take my best friend. Find your own.’ BaekHyun back then had been stunned, he had never even thought of taking ChanYeol away from JongIn. It worked out when ChanYeol met SeHun, who then became JongIn’s new object of hate. After JongIn got together with JoonMyun his jealous strike hadn’t eased down, rather it was more the opposite. At least when people approached JoonMyun, considering that JoonMyun was Dorm Head it was very inconvenient.

“Want to tell me what happened?”

BaekHyun knows JongIn hates showing his weak side. Very few has his trust enough that he would let them see him that vulnerable state of mind, BaekHyun miraculously was one of those few. ChanYeol and JoonMyun was the other two that wasn’t family. JongIn squirmed and finally released BaekHyun’s pillow he almost had held hostage in his fight against the weak.

“He stood me up. We had a date today and he fucking stood me up. He forgot and went with shit JongDae to practice choir.”


BaekHyun waits for when JongDae comes back. He doesn’t know if he should be angry at JongDae or at JoonMyun for being so blind to JongIn’s misery at their new found friendship. He guesses that he should be angry at JoonMyun, after all he is the younger’s boyfriend. He stills looks at JongIn as if he’s the only one alive on earth when JongDae is not there, but when he is he almost doesn’t spare JongIn a glance, too caught up in talking about choir. Something none of his other friends would let him talk about. It’s was easy to see that JongDae got uncomfortable when JoonMyun brings JongIn along, he knows the younger isn’t happy with how he is hogging up his boyfriend’s attention.

“Hey, were you waiting for me?”

JongDae is as casual as ever. BaekHyun really likes him. He was neat, but not a neat freak like KyungSoo, and fun to talk to. He hoped he wouldn’t have to ask for a roommate exchange so JongIn wouldn’t start avoiding BaekHyun too.


JongDae casts him a look while he takes off his coat that clearly says, shoot.

“JongIn came in earlier and he was really upset. The last time I saw him like that, was when he thought ChanYeol would move to Canada and live with this Kris guy.”

BaekHyun knows it makes no sense to JongDae, since JongDae never really saw how attached to ChanYeol JongIn once was. He just hoped that JongDae would get his point.

“He said JoonMyun ditched him for you and choir practice.”

“JoonMyun said he was free, I would never insist on him going with me if I knew he had plans, especially not with his boyfriend.”

“I know, I should probably talk to JoonMyun about it. I just wanted to tell you that so don’t hold it against JongIn if he does something reckless.”

JongDae nods and BaekHyun lets out a sigh of relief, he knows JongIn will do something reckless.


As he walks to JoonMyun’s room to discuss it, scold him? He thinks of JongIn and how dejected he had looked earlier that day. If this kept up BaekHyun would feel the need to castrate JoonMyun for hurting his pseudo son. He stops in front of JoonMyun’s single room and knocks softly on the door. He stares at the name plate screwed to the white surface. Dorm Head written in a bold font, making sure everyone knew just who lived in the room. After a minute JoonMyun opened the door with a pleasant smile and looked surprised to see BaekHyun on the other side.

“BaekHyun, what a nice surprise. Come inside.”

He motioned for BaekHyun to join him and with a nod BaekHyun entered the room. It was neat as always, JoonMyun prided himself in being a role model to the habitants of the dorm. BaekHyun sat gingerly on the bed and with a sigh opened his mouth.

“Today JongIn came to my room.”

He glanced at JoonMyun to see if he got what he meant. The older looked as clueless as ever. BaekHyun sighed in defeat, why did he even deal with these people?

“Can you remember when JongIn thought ChanYeol would move to Canada with Kris?”

A cautious nod, it hadn’t been a pretty sight. It was before JongIn got together with JoonMyun and he was as possessive as ever when it came to ChanYeol. The moping came first, until JongIn decided something had to be done and almost tried to hurt Kris real bad. Fortunately for the exchange student, ChanYeol had talked to him first and assured him that he would stay right beside JongIn. It didn’t stop JongIn from throwing nasty comments and stares at the older guy, but at least he didn’t plan on hurting him.

“He was like that. Hyung, you need to pay more attention to your boyfriend.”

JoonMyun opened his mouth to retort.

“No, you have to do it even if JongDae is there. I don’t know if you realize it, but every time JongDae is there you turn your back to JongIn and fully focus on JongDae.”

“I do not.”

“Yes you do. JongIn is easy to feel hurt and betrayed. He needs your attention, needs to know you still love him. When you do that, he’ll be able to cope with your new friendship with JongDae. He might even try to become JongDae’s friend himself. If you don’t he’ll end up trying to hurt JongDae and you know he’s not kidding. Remember Kris, please remember Kris for JongDae’s and yours sake.”

JoonMyun nodded solemnly, finally he got it. Finally he understood what consequences this could have.


“I talked to JoonMyun yesterday.”

ChanYeol hums. He was busy trying to wrap up a present for SeHun for their anniversary.

“I think he finally understood what he was doing.”

Another hum, clumsy fingers trying to bind the ribbon only to fail. BaekHyun reached over to take it and did it swiftly, hoping that ChanYeol would pay more attention to the matter now. He didn’t.

“JongIn was acting like he did, back when Kris was here.”

That caught ChanYeol’s attention. All of his movements stopped and he looked as if he just saw a ghost. His face paled and his eyes turned cautious.


The deep voice croaks.

“I think I talked to JoonMyun in time so he won’t try anything stupid. Just keep an eye out for him in case he does.”


JongDae came into the room looking thoughtful and kind of put out of place. BaekHyun crooked his eyebrow in a silent question looking up from his assignment.

“JongIn talked to me today.”

Well that explained the expression. JongIn had been avoiding JongDae for a week. Not even wanting to go near BaekHyun’s room, much to ChanYeol and SeHun’s dismay since that meant he was hanging out a lot more in their room.

“What did he say?”

“That I had a pretty voice.”


“And then he left.”

At least he didn’t do something reckless, BaekHyun thought.


BaekHyun looked at ChanYeol’s worried face, trying to understand the words that had just come out of the other’s mouth.


He felt like a tape recorder on repeat.

“JongIn likes JongDae in the same way he likes JoonMyun.”

“I don’t understand.”

ChanYeol merely shrugged looking even more worried.



Not even a week after JoonMyun and JongIn had gathered in BaekHyun and JongDae’s room. They were looking determinedly at the choir singer. BaekHyun tried burying himself in his book seemingly invisible but the tension in the air was suffocating and uncomfortable. They had stormed in without knocking almost making BaekHyun fall out of his bed in shock at the sudden intrusion. They were men on a mission. He glanced at JongDae, who sitting on his bed with a questioning smile etched on his face as the other two stared intensely at him. BaekHyun contemplated sneaking out, but knew JongIn would judge him forever if he did so he stayed put. JongIn was the first to make a move. It was easy to see the adrenaline kicking in as he leaned forward cupping JongDae’s jaw softly pressing his lips to JongDae’s. When he pulled away, JongDae sputtered clearly flustered, confused and was that a smug smile?
JoonMyun sat down beside the flustered guy and smiled as he leaned in slowly kissing the other.

“We would like you to be our boyfriend.”


BaekHyun groaned when the sounds coming from the other bed just got louder and louder. For some reason the trio had decided that his and JongDae’s room should be their camp instead of JoonMyun’s single room and BaekHyun wasn’t getting any sleep.

“Quit it.”

BaekHyun hissed when JongDae didn’t even try to quieting the moans spilling from his lips.

“I would like my sleep, thank you very much.”

All he received was giggles and excessive fake loud moans.


“I hate this new relationship they have.”

He complained to ChanYeol. ChanYeol laughed and BaekHyun wanted to hit his twitching face. Hard.

“Are you taking back what you said about JongDae being a better roommate than me now?”

BaekHyun just groaned. He hated his friends and their joy for his misery.


JoonMyun cornered him an afternoon and BaekHyun didn’t try to hide the sigh of relief when he saw neither his roommate nor JongIn trailing behind him. Their happiness was becoming obnoxious, making BaekHyun’s gag reflex act up.

“Are we bothering you?”


BaekHyun moaned.

“For the love of God, will you get your annoying trio love out of my face?”

JoonMyun looked at him in worry, seemingly thinking hard about something. BaekHyun just hoped it wasn’t something hard. That would just be awkward.

“It’s just JongIn works better when you’re there.”

Not for the first time BaekHyun wished he could just create a black hole to swallow him up. Or maybe just punch ChanYeol for introducing JongIn to him.

“Too much information. Too much.”

BaekHyun was dry sobbing and he hoped this nightmare soon would be over.

“It’s weird, it never happened when it was just the two of us. It’s exactly why he also wanted us to confess while you were in the room.”

BaekHyun groaned and walked away as fast as he could.


“JongIn, I need you to get over your fucked up performance anxiety and do it without me near. I’m traumatized.”

JongIn stared at BaekHyun as if he just told him he killed his puppy.

“But hyung, you make me feel safe and calm.”

Why was this happening to BaekHyun? He couldn’t grasp how he had ended up in this situation.


SeHun was staring at him annoyed, clearly not happy that he was taking his boyfriend’s attention away from him, as if he didn’t get distracted enough already. BaekHyun couldn’t care less. JongIn had begun to seek him out if he wasn’t in the room at night, because for some reason he got into panic attacks if he had to do anything else than kiss JongDae without BaekHyun there. ChanYeol was for some reason overjoyed with BaekHyun’s misery and wouldn’t do a thing to stop his clearly maniac best friend from ruining BaekHyun’s life even more.

“You know he has safety paranoia. I told you not to spoil him too much. I’m pretty sure he sees you as his pseudo mother.”

BaekHyun punched ChanYeol in the face. He hadn’t slept properly in four days. He was not in the mood for jokes, even if they were true. SeHun didn't look much more pleased than before. His kicking BaekHyun out was a very strong indicator of that.


For once JongDae comes through the door to their shared room alone and BaekHyun actually dances in victory. Maybe he would have a good night’s sleep tonight. One look at JongDae’s apologetic smile tells him other wise and the unusually bright smile falls from his face.


“I wanted to talk to you alone first. They’re waiting in the hallway.”

Suddenly BaekHyun misses actually talking to his friends as he realizes he hasn’t really done any of that as of lately. He misses JongIn coming in to complain about whatever is bothering him at the moment. He misses JoonMyun’s big brotherly smiles as he praises his singing skills. He misses having a roommate that he can talk to without being interrupted by moans constantly.

He directs an empty stare at JongDae. Wishing he would wake up soon from this whole nightmare of cuddles and sex.

“I’m so, so, so sorry.”

He hadn’t expected JongDae to bow and apologies.

“JongIn is being unreasonable and he knows it, he’s just afraid we’ll leave him and he knows you’ll always be there for him.”

“He should begin to doubt that if this continues.”

BaekHyun mutters, knowing it’s the biggest lie. He was his pseudo son, he would never abandon him. He just wouldn’t like to hear him have sex either, especially not with his two other friends.

“JoonMyun have an idea he wants to try out to help him with this whole.”


“Yeah, that. Since it’s not really something JoonMyun and I are too keen on either. We just tend to forget it, because when JongIn finally gets going it’s amazing, did you know how good he is with his tongue?”

“Too. Fucking. Much. Information.”


BaekHyun sighs and discusses with himself the pros and cons of suicide.

“The plan though. JoonMyun was thinking baby steps, -”

BaekHyun zones out and decides they couldn’t be serious.

“JongIn, get the fuck in here.”

He yelled it, knowing fully well that the other boy was probably leaning on the door trying to eavesdrop. As he predicted not even a second later JongIn came tumbling in.

“I will be sleeping in ZiTao’s room tonight, no discussions and if you so much as even dare to think of coming and whine to me JongIn, I swear I will rip your balls off and feed them to you. Are we clear?”

A gulp followed by a guilty nod.

“Good, now learn to get your dick hard by yourself I want a good night’s rest. Sleep tight.”

With that he took his pillow and blanket, heading to ZiTao’s place where he for the first time in over a month didn’t have to try and fall asleep to the sound of his friends having sex. He slept like a baby.


JongDae cackled at the crestfallen look on JongIn’s face as BaekHyun walked out the door, resulting in a pout accompanying the look.

“Come here you big baby.”

JoonMyun held out his arms to give JongIn a hug. Like the child he was he walked into the arms and clutched on the back of JoonMyun’s shirt letting out whiny noises.

JongDae hadn’t stopped laughing.

“You can’t blame him JongIn. Imaging being in the room if ChanYeol and SeHun got it on, you wouldn’t like it would you?”

“I have been in the room while the two got it on and I slept fine even with ChanYeol’s very loud moans. Did you know he has a kink for pain? Apparently SeHun has sharp nails.”

JongDae began to choke from laughing and his two boyfriends hurriedly ran over to him and as useless they were tried patting his back.

“You guys are such stupid dorks, I knew I should’ve gone for YiXing when he asked me out on a date.”

He laughed even harder at the protests that came afterwards and knew he wouldn’t trade these fools for anything. At least they made him laugh, right?

genre: romance, character: chen, character: suho, genre: !au, character: chanyeol, genre: crack, pairing: kai/suhoi/jongdae, character: kris, character: kai, genre: !slash, character: sehun, fandom: exo, character: baekhyun, *oneshot

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