I am so about to rock some socks.

Dec 03, 2005 11:51


holy SHIT was that a HOLY FUCKING SHIT movie. Awsome. Groovy. I had to change my pants it was so good, and not because I shat myself. It was subbed, and I've never played FF7, but I saw it with someone who'd beaten 7 a few times over. He'd pause and explain things to me, so I wasn't sitting there wondering what the fuck was going on.

The final half of the movie is a fight scene. 45 minutes long. Now, I know what you're thinking... a 15 minute chase scene in the Matrix just dragged on and on and you wanted it to end.

Well, the fighting was AWSOME. Totally inspiring for the roleplay thing, they pull some outragious stunts and the music FUCKING ROCKS. I want the soundtrack. >:D

Adam loaned me Final Fantasy Tactics, since I hadn't played it yet. It was funny... Shannon was watching me level up, and decided she wanted to learn how to play. So I taught her (a fairly easy task, she'd been watching me for a few days) and now she's better at it than I am :o

For those of you who don't know, Shannon is the girlfriend who was adamant about being a zealous anti-videogame girl. Slowly, but surely, I'm turning her into a hardcore gaming chick. Muahahahaha.

Anyways, I've made it to the third chapter in three days in FFT. I leveled up like hell. Lemme give you an idea of what my units are like (I spent 8 fucking hours leveling up for this:)

Patricia, the female Lancer
Level 22, EXP 06
HP: 208
MP: 018
Brave 63, Faith 52
Move 3, jump 4, speed 7
right-hand attack power:: 8/ evasion: 10%.
58% evasion total.
Equipment: Javeline, Gold Shield, Barbuto, Gold Armor, Wizard Mantle (for the evasion.)
Abilities: (Action) Jump, White Magic - both with you have no idea HOW many points spent in them. (Reactionary) Dragon Spirit - chances are that if she dies, this will revive her for free. Not that she's going to die very often. (Support) Defense Up. (Movement) Move - HP Up.

The idea is that she's got massive defense and evasion against physical attacks. Her relatively low Faith means she won't take much damage from magic. Every time she moves somewhere, she heals (like a Regen effect, though it doesn't wear off.) Her Jumps deal pretty goddamn good damage, as do her normal attacks - which have the best range out of the party's physical attacks (Jump can hit 4 spaces up and 4 spaces away maximum, I think.)

that thar be my favorite unit. Add that to a white mage who's almost mastered her class and is min/maxed for magic power and item throwing, a black mage who's min/maxed for damage spells, a min/maxed Ninja who's 4 points short of buying the last availible Ninja ability, and Ramza - the knight with dual swords equipped. I really lay down the pwnage - the boss at the end of the Second Chapter went down in three hits (shiruken, Holy, and double attack from the ninja.)

Anyways. Enough rambling about stuff that you likely won't understand.

I was invited to a nine-hour DnD game with my girlfriend's hoghschool friends. Been looking for a game to join for litterally a year, since I don't feel right if I'm not gaming somehow, somewhere, at any given point in time. XD That is a good thing. I leave right about now for that, so hasta la vista, adios, chow, peace out, be afraid of the lancer, ect....
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