a goldfish in the pool

Mar 15, 2007 09:44

I really hate crowded pools.

It feels especially dirty and I can't wait to get out of it. I have been feeling fat all week so I decided to hit the pool, dragging sherman with me. Though the sky was dark and I was feeling really lazy, I was quite determined to get a good work out this week. Because it's the school holidays, the pool was especially crowded with kids and aunties having their swimming lessons.

Sherman and I made a deal to see who will be the first to finish 10 laps. But after 4 laps, my goggles were a bit wonky and water kept hurting my eyes. I kept bumping into people and could hardly swim straight. Frustrated, I gave up. Sherman was very encouraging, probably because I've been complaining to him about feeling fat all week and he knows I need to get this work out done to stop feeling this way.

We moved on to the deep pool, seeing that it's less crowded there and I managed to squeeze in a few more laps. But the laziness hit once more and I just felt like playing in the water. Sherman taught me how to trap water, and I'm starting to get it. (Yeah, I don't know how to trap water, neither am I a good swimmer. Go ahead, laugh at me.) And when our stomach start growling, we both know it's time for dinner.

Though the workout  was a tad bit disappointing, but I had fun. And I guess that's the most important thing to me. (:

exercise, love

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