blogging issues

Jan 17, 2008 23:14

I can't believe it, and although I won't admit it, but I definitely have it.


Each time I open this page, my mind goes blank. Nothing, none. I wanted to write about my day, about how I just received my new phone, about how driving was exciting and pretty nerve-wrecking, about how Cookie wet himself all over the laundy basket (yes, fresh clean pile of laundry), and how I'm really missing somebody.

But then I stopped, I couldn't find the right words.

Karen once told me that she doesn't like reading blogs because most times, blogging allows it's writer to express him or herself the way that he or she wants others to think of them. And most times, what the writer wrote may not be what he or she is, but who he or she wants others to think they are.

Although there's some truth in what she said, but still, I believe that some bloggers truly meant what they wrote. Some of them are really great writers, and their entries usually brightened up my day. And I guess what Karen said was true, because secretly, I wish to write like these great bloggers. Truthful and entertaining. Interesting and funny.

So, that is why I have a writer's block. I'm trying to write in a way that I feel most great writers would write, that I forgot, this is my blog, and this is who I am. :) 


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