I’ve been a technophile for most of my life. My parents were both immigrants to Canada who’d managed to achieve a good life. They wanted their children to have the same fortune, and one of the methods they felt would help achieve that would be to help us would be ready access to and knowledge of technology
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My former Realms Magazine editor in Cheif Pete Nowak, who's senior tech reporter for the CBC, is writing a book entitled Bombs, Boobs & Burgers, in which he covers how advances in the production and distribution of food, pornography & military technology have helped with technolgical progress
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A) The iCBC app. It will have a variety of things on it, like schedules, and maybe links to podcasts, etc. But the most important thing it will have is it will sync up with your GPS and tell you what frequencies CBC 1 & CBC 2 are on. Dammit. Because there's nowt as frustrating as traveling cross country and losing Cross Country Checkup
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My cell phone's text message system has a 'word recognition" system that lets it guess what word you might be typing based on the keys you press on the numerical keypad. The default choice for 668437 is "mother", even though I usually type "movies" for that key combo.