Governor, 4.25hr committees, and strikers...oh joy!

Feb 13, 2007 20:00

Well, here's a little update.

Yesterday I got to sit in on a meeting with the governor and the dem leadership. It was pretty interesting. It was pretty fun to go to and Im really glad I got to. Also, yesterday 2 more of my bills passed throught the house. I also had to wait around and try to find people to do the cmma briefing.

I sat and waited and then eventually did 4 Transportation and 1 CMMA briefings. The deal was Liisa and I would be in there from 9 to 10, our 4 trans members need to find us sometime in there. Then we had caucus. I had 3 bills in caucus today...2 really fun one. We solved world peace (county graffiti abatement) and did mud flaps today. That was fun. We had lunch afterwards and got a free one even though we weren't supposed to. It was steak...yummy!!!! Then CMMA committee. It was 4 hours and 15 mintues long and that was only second to longest today! We heard 14 bills today. They all passed although some got talked about A LOT!!1111!!!! It was fun. About half way through we got a new transportation agenda which included 8 more bills/strikers. I got 4 strikers, so we need to have another trans prebriefing sometime tomorrow. I did one striker tonight and then left work at 6:45 cuz i couldn't concentrate enough to think and summarize bills tonight.
Ok. im done.
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