May 22, 2004 09:23
Last night was the first night of Pleasant Winter St. Fest. It turned out so much better than I'd expected, so I'm pretty happy. Erin came and I stayed with her the whole night, so that was like double-good. Great show, great girl.
Editedit was fucking nuts, or at least Q and Tim were, because the drummer looked kind of unsure of himself. Actually, the singer was pretty crazy too, he just was facing away like the whole time. Their set was 4 songs, but about 3 minutes in total.
Next came Quinn. The thing I love the most about Quinn is how their sounds (guitar tones, drum parts) serve their genre perfectly. They played a great set, followed up by TTE.
We did alright I think, but I used Quinn's drummer's kit with what I believe is Chris Q's double kick. I didn't like either. But we still managed to play alright, and it seemed like we brought some brutal mosh too.
After us was Actions in Objects. They must have played the best set of the night. They brought so many kids, and every last one of them was getting into the music, not to mention that the band members were flipping out. I talked to them after, they're wicked nice guys too. I hope someday that SDH could play a show with them, they seem like they might be a good band to play alongside, instead of random pop-punkish stuff.
Speaking of which, Model 15 came on after them, and a lot of kids left before them. I heard they were talking shit about all the other bands the whole time, so I guess the kids there didn't feel like giving them the respect of staying. It's too bad because from what I heard, they put on a pretty solid set. Apparently they got signed to Tooth & Nail, so they must think they're so high and mighty that they can belittle the other bands trying to have a good show.
Hopefully tonight goes just as well.