Bush anti-protest activity in Puerto Rico

Feb 12, 2006 19:12

Hi all,

My friend Rima, a fellow anthro person who teaches in Mayaguez, has sent this to me asking me to spread the word. Since I agree that the corporate press is unlikely to pick this up, I've cut and pasted her message and its attachments in their entirety. Thanks for reading and sorry for the weird Chinese typos.

Dear friends,

please help spread these news, as they may not receive enough coverage in US press.?Bush's government seem to be implementing and testing the ease of use of the tools provided by the "patriot" act and related legislation in Puerto Rico, persecuting members (al of them non-criminal, peaceful community activists) of the pro-independence movement, with the pretext of investigating a domestic terrorist attackith explosives.?There is no historical or current reason for anybody to think Puerto Rico is a likely target of such an attack. The fbi even attacked members of the press with pepper spray.? The climate is one of fear and generalized political repression.?And they say colonialism is dead...



ProLibertad Campaign
From: "ProLibertad Campaign"

To: ProLibertad@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 05:04:05 +0000
Subject: [indymediapr] Feb. 13th Protest FBI Repression in PR

The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign

Protest FBI Repression In Puerto Rico:
All Out Monday, February 13th!
U.S. Federal Building ?26 Federal Plaza at Broadway, 5pm

The Prolibertad Freedom Campaign denounces the wave of repression begun
today, Friday, February 10, 2006, in Puerto Rico by the FBI, directed
against the independence movement and its supporters.

We urge all our friends and supporters to unite behind the call being made
by the independence movement in New York to rally in front of the U.S.
Federal Building (26 Federal Plaza at Broadway) this coming Monday, February
13, 2006, at 5pm.

At the U.S. Federal Building in San Juan, Puerto Rico, today more than a
1,000 Boricuas protested these attacks and called for protest demonstrations

We must join the call from Puerto Rico to protest these FBI/U.S. Government
attacks on the people of Puerto Rico and call for protest demonstrations
throughout U.S., Latin America, the Caribbean and internationally.

(Spanish Original Follows:)

The People Take To The Streets
By Luis F. Abreu Elias

Today in Puerto Rico various searches of homes and arrests are being carried
out the F.B.I. Some of those arrested are Lilliana Laboy the labor leader
and Executive Secretary of the The Caribbean and Latin American Coordinating
Group of Puerto Rico: William Mohler, pro-independence community leader who
lives in the town of Lim鏮, Mayaguez. In addition, Jos?Rodr璲uez, a
pro-independence activist, town leader and retiree was also arrested. They
are also searching and ransacking their homes since the early hours of this
morning. This is yet another escalation of FBI persecution due to the
upsurge and militancy of the independence movement since the assassination
of Filiberto Ojeda R甐s.

They have used mustard gas on the wife of William Mohler even when she
offered no resistance. When they went at dawn to search Mohler home only
his wife was there. The press says that they have 20 additional arrest
warrants and it is not known if they are for arrests and search or just for
searches. They are looking for Norberto Cintr鏮 Fiallo a well known
independence leader and a prominent member of the Coordinating Group. His
compa鎑ras apartment was searched for more than 11 hours. They brought FBI
agents from Miami and other states. They make a show of force using long
range weapons and firearms and dozens of cars. At each home they have
dozens of agents. 100 Boricuas just confronted the FBI in front of the
apartment of Norberto Cintr鏮 compa鎑ra. They have thrown rocks at the
FBI and have broken the car windows of the FBI who have fled while throwing
mustard gas with guns drawn. The FBI agents have been spat upon by the
people as they fled the scene. At this moment the press entered the
apartment of Do鎙 Lilliana.

The press reports at this moment that the apartment of Compa鎑ra Lilliana
Labory was left destroyed by the FBI. Reporters were thrown on the ground
by the FBI. There are injured among the reporters.

We shall keep you informed about this great escalation of hitlerian facism
by Hitler inheritor, George Bush. The indignation in Puerto Rico grows
and hundreds of people have hit the streets near the places where these
break-ins are taking place.

This Yankee Gestapo will not be able to stop the struggle for independence.

This report was sent by Luis F. Abreu El燰s, who for more than 30 years has
been the attorney for Filiberto Ojeda R甐s, Comandante of the Macheteros,
who was assassinated by the FBI on September 23, 2005.

Por Luis F. Abreu Elias.

En el d燰 de hoy se est嫕 llevando a cabo, en Puerto Rico, varios
allanamientos de residencias y arrestos, por parte del FBI. Algunos de los
arrestados son Lilliana Laboy dirigente sindicalista, y Secretaria Ejecutiva
de la Coordinadora Caribe鎙 y Latinoamericana de Puerto Rico: William
Mohler, l獮er comunitario independentista que vive en el Bo. Lim鏮 de
Mayagz Adem嫳 se arrest?al Sr. Jos?Rodr璲uez, independentista, l獮er de
barrio, y ya retirado. Tambi幯 se le est嫕 registrando y allanando sus
residencias, desde horas de la madrugada. Esto es una escalada m嫳 de la
persecuci鏮 del FBI debido al auge y militancia que ha tomado el
independentismo desde el asesinato de Filiberto Ojeda R甐s.

Han tirado gas mostaza a esposa de William Mohler sin que ella ofreciera
resistencia, Cuando fueron de madrugada a registrar la casa de Mohler quien
estaba era su esposa. Se dice por la prensa que tienen veinte 鏎denes
adicionales, y no se sabe si son de arresto y registro y allanamientos o
solo de registro y allanamiento. Buscan a Norberto Cintr鏮 Fiallo conocido
l獮er Independentista y miembro prominente de la Coordinadora. Registran por
m嫳 de 11 horas el apartamento de su compa鎑ra. Trajeron agentes del FBI
desde Miami y de otros estados. Hacen una demostraci鏮 de fuerza con armas
largas y decenas de autos. En cada casa tienen decenas de agentes.

Se acaban de enfrentar al FBI 100 boricuas frente al apartamento de la
compa鎑ra de Norberto Cintr鏮. Le han tirado piedras al FBI y le han roto
los cristales de los veh獳ulos del FBI quienes han salido huyendo lanzando
gas mostaza y con armas en la mano. Los agentes han sido escupidos por el
pueblo cuando sal燰n huyendo. En este instante la prensa entra al apto de
Do鎙 Lilliana.

La prensa informa en este instante que el apartamento de la compa鎑ra
Lilliana Laboy fue dejado destruido por el FBI. Los periodistas fueron
lanzados al piso por FBI. Hay heridos entre los periodistas.

Les mantendremos informados de esta gran escalada de represi鏮 del fascismo
hitleriano del heredero de Hitler, George Bush. Crece la indignaci鏮 en PR y
ya cientos de personas se tiran a las calles cercanas a los lugares donde se
llevan a cabo los allanamientos.
No podr嫕 detener la lucha por la independencia estos gestapos yankis.
Nota enviada por el Lcdo. Luis F Abreu El燰s, abogado por m嫳 de 30 a隳s de
Filiberto Ojeda R甐s, Comandante del Ej廨cito Popular Boricua, Macheteros,
asesinado por el FBI el 23 de septiembre de 2005.
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