Title: Now Worker Dinners Are A Different Story.
Prompt: #14 Charity
thebellasetPairing: Bella/Bruce Wayne & Ashly/Peter Parker
Rating: General
Summary: Bruce Wayne could have anyone in the world, why fake it?
Warnings: Lies.
Disclaimer: Don't own. If I did Bruce would be my husband. :D
Author Notes: There's really no need for anyone to read this besides myself. x))
The next day everyone, and everyone meant everyone in the office, was hungover. Well with the exception of Bella. She spent the night sulking in the corner.
"Parker!" Mr. Wayne walked out of his office and called over Ashly. "You're in charge of coming with me to this dinner tonight. Dress nice and take that ring off."
Bella overheard and sighed. She wished she could go with him, even if it was just to take notes over the other candidates. She would give up anything to spend more time with her boss, but not because she had the hugest crush on him. Not at all because that would be unprofessional. Bella worked for this job. Also not just to spend time with Bruce Wayne.
She would deny everything if anyone were to ask. But who would. Mostly because she honestly made it very discrete.
Ashly upset and uncomfortable because of her large headache went back to her office and put her head down on her desk in displeasure with a loud groan that escaped her lips.
Bella hurried to her friend's office to nurse her. "Hey, so what happened? Why dead whale sounds?"
"I have to to go dinner with Bruce tonight. Pretend to be his girlfriend again. I'm sick of this. Does he not understand that Parker is my married name? The huge ring on my finger is not just there cause it's cute!"
"Its not that huge." Bella mumbled.
Ashly slapped her arm. "I just wish he would find himself another piece of arm candy. He's not ugly, he could have anyone."
"Maybe I could take your place tonight?" Bella suggested.
"Would you do that? I mean, I don't want to put you out. I'm sure Jack wouldn't like you going out with your boss." Ashly sighed.
"Its business right?" Bella smiled.
"Thank you so much. I don't think you understand how much I appreciate this."
"All in a days work."
"You know you won't get paid overtime right?"
"A little charity never hurt anyone." Bella hid her huge smile until she was turned away from Ashly.
Tonight would be perfect.