No, not sending this.

Nov 12, 2010 02:08

I would just like to say that I'm posting this at 2:00 in the morning because even though the doxy is making my daily fatigue go away, my brain still will not shut off at bedtime. I've stopped taking the melatonin and tried using music, but blah. As such, my brain turns to things like this

Dear Kevin,

I've tried not to push you on this, but it's been four weeks and I haven't heard one way or the other. You talk as if nothing's wrong, yet you don't give me a clue over what you're feeling. I imagine that if my texting bothered you at all you wouldn't respond half as much as you do, and if you didn't trust me on some level you wouldn't ask me about Arabic and even copy my homework (which, to the larger crowd out there, is not cheating because we were supposed to copy from the notes and she took his) even though you could have turned to Kristen. Then again, I could once again be overoptimistic because she could've been in class, but such is my human condition. At any rate, I need to know definitively: are you still working things out with your ex, or were you just letting me down easy? If you were, I would prefer if you would just be honest with me and say so.


I'm thinking about sending an abbreviated version to him. I might. I'd like to tell him in person, but he's in California and not only do I not know when he'll be back, but I don't know how things will progress and when I'll break. Oh yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am most certainly breaking on this one.

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