My Year.

Dec 08, 2009 13:23

1. Was 2009 a good year for you?
Yes! Well, for one it wasn't 2008, which means it was amazing. Had a lot of fun this year. :)

2. What were your favourite moments of the year?
Being Dhana's godmother, seeing Sparks with bossmew, starting a new band and playing a gig, quitting K9 Capers, listening to Lil' Beethoven for the first time, leaving B&Q, weekends in London, the solstice at Stonehenge and the following three weeks of sunshine, fun dog shows, NIN, three great Industrial Fallout nights, Timur & Becky's wedding, starting silly gym and ballet classes, launching Mutts & Mops and making websites, Geoffstock, saying bye-bye to the Hundwagen, MUSEMUSEMUSE ( new album, Tinmuff, London gigs - what a great year to be a Muse fan!) Depeche Mode and Wildhearts in London coming up - it's been a great year!

3. What was your least favourite moment of the year?
Working for B&Q, van/Peugeot troubles (still disputing that btw), being a cleaner and putting up with shit (literally and figuratively), getting a parking fine, getting a speeding fine, going back on the chill pills, moar teefbeef, losing out on's famous gig ticket lotteries, losing Lynzi, all the job beef and the fact that I didn't do any festivals!

4. Where were you when 2009 began?
At home, chillin' in front of the internet I think, ate a big dinner and played a bit of Wii. Haha, extravagant. We had a house full of dogs. Anna and Jon made dinner and we had some drinks.

5. Who were you with?
Anna and Jon. Ted and Dolly (rotties), Floyd, Didz, Ellie and Belle (whippets). The rotties had dodgy tummies. It wasn't nice.

6. Where will you be when 2009 ends?
Haven't decided yet! I accepted a Bookfacé invitation to go to Ady's house. I like the idea of spending it in Hythe this year!

7. Who will you be with when 2009 ends?
My lovely friends, I hope. Whoever wants to come to Hythe with me. I'll probably go where the majority go tbh.

8. Did you keep your new years resolution of 2009?
I don't think I had one! I was on such a downer back then that I didn't really give much of a toss about the new year. I was just glad to see the back of the old one. :)

9. Do you have a new years resolution for 2010?
Have more lolz!

10. Did you fall in love in 2009?/11. If yes, with who?/12. If yes, do they know?/13. Are you still in love with them?/14. You regret it?/15. Did you breakup with anyone in 2009?

16. Did you make any new friends in 2009?/17. Who are your favourite new friends? Ummm... I dunno! I guess I met some new people, and went out with them, but I wouldn't really class them as friends yet. I met lots of people from the internets in real life, like forgiveninasong, hip_to_the_bone, madam_h and many more!

18. What was your favourite month of 2009?
March was pretty good. September was also mostly awesome.

19. Did you travel outside of your country of residence in 2009?
Yes, I went to Wales to see a bunch of shit people about a shit job. Waste of time. I had other opportunities to go overseas (FNM in Dublin, Muse in France, Rammstein in Holland) but had to decline because of money issues.

20. How many different states/provinces did you travel to in 2009?
I'm gonna pretend you meant counties. Dorset, Surrey, Wiltshire. Not far then, haha.

21. Did you lose anybody close to you in 2009? A few doggies I lost when customers moved away/went redundant and didn't need me anymore. I miiiss Riiiley, omg. I almost cried then, just typing that! And Lynzi - I wasn't close to her in real life but she was very much part of my day and I miss her so much.

22. Did you miss anybody in the past year?
Family and friends I didn't see that often. Mikey.

23. What was your favourite movie that you saw in 2009?
The Machinist or There Will Be Blood, can't decide.

24. What was your favourite song from 2009?
Muse - Exogenesis Pt. 1 - Overture. Beautiful.

25. What was your favourite record from 2009?
MUSE LOL! MUSE! And the Manics - 'Journal for Plague Lovers'.

26. How many concerts did you see in 2009?

27. Did you have a favourite concert in 2009?
Sorry, but it's Muse. Friday 13th November. Just for the pure quality of lolz. I've got Depeche Mode coming up though, which will probably rival it!

28. Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2009?
Oh yes. Drunken nights aplenty. Stonehenge was one, my birthday... Oh, it was flowin' all year.

29. Did you do a lot of drugs in 2009?
Antibiotics for teefbeef, a few chillpills, alcohol, caffeine.

30. How many people did you sleep with in 2009?
I didn't share my bed with any humans.

31. Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
Got caught speeding. Oops. And I think I might've driven under the influence a little bit at Stonehenge. That was all a bit silly.

33. What was the worst lie someone told you in 2009?
Worst lie? Wut. I can't think of any lies at all.

34. Did you treat somebody badly in 2009?
No, I don't think so!

35. Did somebody treat you badly in 2009?
Only people speaking to me like I'm thick, which I detest.

36. How much money did you spend in 2009?
I dunno really, I let my spreadsheet go a little bit. I need to sort out all my finances again.

37. What was your proudest moment of 2009?
Probably getting £310 for that setlist, hahaha.

38. What was your most embarrassing moment of 2009?
I dunno really? Giving out flyers in London was embarrassing. I fail at that sort of thing.

39. If you could go back in time to any moment of 2009 and change something, what would it be?
Wednesday 2nd December, while driving up Challenger Way at about 1pm? Slow the hell down a bit.

40. What are your plans for 2010?
Walk dogs, study English. I don't know why.

41. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
Summer solstice. It was loads of fun! And played keyboards in a band. And drove an automatic car. Haha.

42. Did someone close to you give birth?
Nope! My sis & bro-in-law announced their second pregnancy though. :)

43. Did anyone close to you die?
Done that one already!

44. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
Willpower to stop eating so much sugary munch?

45. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
13th November is the first that springs to mind, probably 'cause I just wrote about it. Also 4th/5th September - birthday partying and Tinmuff ftw.

46. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Teefbeef, anxiety, couple of colds, nothing new.

47. What was the best thing you bought?

48. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Leeps. He pwns, and he helped me loads with my car and computer and everything and <3.

49. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?

50. Where did most of your money go?

51. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Leaving B&Q. I really didn't like that job, haha. Everything else was amazing but I don't get excited in the run-up to things anymore, 'cause I'm quite lazy and stuff just seems like it's going to be hassle until I'm actually doing it. Haha.

52. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder/thinner or fatter?
Happier and thinner! Woohoo!

53. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Festivals! I did a lot of gigs but it wasn't the same. Also - this year I have to get more sunshine, even if it means going away. Last year totally lacked.

54. What do you wish you’d done less of? I don't know.

55. How will you be spending Christmas?
We're at Nik's this year on Christmas Day!

56. How many one-night stands?

57. What was your favourite TV program?
Not from 2009, but I only saw it this year so it counts! Six Feet Under.

58. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

59. What was the best book you read?
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne.

60. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Probably Karnivool, they super impressed me live. I haven't actually got hold of any of their stuff yet.

61. What did you want and get?
Ticket to see NIN, thanks maxnot! I didn't manage to get one in the original sale.

62. What did you want and not get?
FNM TICKET. STILL BITTER. Also Muse in Limoges, Rammstein in Holland...

63. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Family loveliness, then my mates and I went to Industrial Fallout and then the next day we went to Teignmouth to see Muse! I was 28.

64.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Going to Reading like normal, and bloody seeing Faith No More, ffs. Such bastards they are for sneaking onto the bill late like that. I had 3 opportunities to see them in this country, and I missed them all. Damnit.

65. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
Scruffy/muddy, goff ballet dancer.

66. What kept you sane?
Music, friends and the internets.

67. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Ron Mael.

68. What political issue stirred you the most?
Fucking BNP. Drove me to actually vote for the first time.

69. Who do you miss?
You already asked me!

70. Who was the best new person you met?
You asked me that too...

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:
Be yourself, tell people like it is... they'll still love you even if they don't really get it.

72. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
All I do now! Is dick around!

year summaries

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