I went for another job interview at a vet's surgery. It was one of those really casual interviews where they talk about the job rather than me. The job is for Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, just 15 hours a week, and it looks quite nice - basically combining all my office, selling, public, animal and computer skills in one job. Awesome. I'd be able to carry on with Mutts & Mops, and more importantly I can quit cleaning the school at last! Business has really taken off again. Blue came back. People are asking me to clean their houses. The sudden cash in my pocket has really motivated me to work at the business for a bit longer. Seeing as every time I go to an interview I'm made to feel like an idiot. Maybe I should prove every one of them wrong and make this business THE BEST. And expand and employ loads of people and be a mega boss. So in a way I kinda hope I don't get the vet job. Haha. If I don't get it, I think I'll quit the school job anyway. It's making me cry. It's too far away and I can't afford the fuel.
Oooh, I dunno if I've shown you the new Hundwagen!
It's great, apart from munching fuel the way I munch biscuits.
Other things: I've been going out quite a bit. Woah. A couple of crazy Saturdays (last week
Panic Cell and the Dinge, this week Industrial Fallout - my new favourite bleepy-goff night) and I had an unexpected night out in the Station pub with T and Dan after my interview on Thursday. Brilliant. I have decided to go out more. We're still decorating our house. Lady Gaga is amazing. I have an iPhone (I love upgrade time) and it pwns everything else in life. I'm planning and making munchables for everyone for Christmas this year. Dog training isn't going too well, haha. Mostly because I'm always out and they're at home. Which sucks. I've lost all interest in writing on the internet. Everything I have to say is normally said with a photo and a Tweet from the ol' iPhone. Which isn't much really. Laziness - there's an app for that! I might go back upstairs and watch Monty Python. See you next month!