Pretend the stars are the K9 Capers logo. Heehee.
Ummm, I have loads of things to write down today but ich vergesse..
You can probably tell that my silly mood is continuing. I have been driving around listening to System in the van, and rocking out proper. So fun. I love System of a Down so much. I really really really really really really do
O wirklich?
And last night we were talking German in the Doctor Who thread - I dunno why... I think it was because we were talking about whether the Doctor speaks his own language or not - and it led to a whole barrage of German speaky sexage. And then Steve and me started messing about with Babel Fish and had a vast amount of lolz. And then we watched Quatermass because DT speaks German in it, and that makes me happy.
Es ist grösser auf dem innere!
Tonight I will be going to see Shrek 3. Nice. I will be eating loads of sweets, because I've given up on dieting. I r therefore still fat, and I don't care.
Yeah I do. *sob*
I have a massive body and massive zits and massive amount of fillings (I went to the dentist today and have to have 3 more in the next 2 weeks!) Yet I still can't stop eating doughnuts and choccy and noodles and toast and spuds with cheese and other crappy le crap. And it does me NO GOOD. Like, not in an "OMFG you'll get fat and get heart disease!" way, but physical badness, as soon as I've eaten it. For example, white bread, which is the worst thing I can eat. It gives me nasty IBS symptoms like God knows what but when we run out of healthy munchy lunch-type food it's so much easier to go over and grab a loaf from the newsagents and munch peanut buttery toast rather than actually go shopping for more healthy stuff... and I'm so bloody lazy and am not the best cook anyway, but when I get hungry it's always stodgy refined carbs that I crave, and I don't feel full until I've eaten something stodgy. And I want to get out of the habit of eating that sort of thing and teach my body to like healthy things. :( 'Cause I'm minging. And my skin is fucking terrible. It's blatantly hormonal, but hormone imbalances aren't helped by the amount of refined sugars and dairy products I eat. Gash.
You'd think if I could give up smoking (it's been 25 days btw) I could sort out my eating habits, but nooo. Who'd have thought it would be harder to get into eating healthily than it is to give up smoking? *rolls eyes*
Fuck it. I'm so tempted to get big veggie/fruit boxes delivered every week and go on the raw food diet. This is something I've been contemplating since I found and read
Clear Skin... Very tempting. I'd have to plan it all out though. Maybe get some more books. I dunno, but it does sound amazing.
*goes and gets cheeseburgers*