
Jul 05, 2007 23:38

To continue from this morning's dog-rant, and to elaborate further on the shitter that's been this day, I've been fined £60 and am going to have three points on my license for jumping a red light. Bugger. I went over the line at 15mph, 1.2 seconds into the red. Fucking stupid isn't it?

Also, one of my molars is killing me. I can't get an appointment at the dentist until the 25th July. It feels like I need a filling, but when I told the dentist that six months ago she said there was no signs of decay at all. So it must be deep inside, which means root filling. HOW FUN FOR ME. And when she poked it last time it wouldn't go numb at all, it's a crazy zingy nerve, so it's going to HURT. Oh well, it's a month away yet. A month of my whole mouth aching. Aaargh.

Anyway, enough with the miserablyness.

I've been talking about Doctor Who ALL OVER THE INTERNETS since it ended on Saturday night, and it's been immense. It's bloody finished now (boo) but the communities have never been so mental! I thought the last episode was great.

Jip was amazing. And OMFG Scissor Sisters. ^_^

"This is your Lord and Master, playing Track 3." How can you not laugh at the absurdity of that?! He's completely insane. Originally I couldn't really picture Jip as the Master (no beard!) but I loved it, and thought in this day in age it worked a lot better than having a bloke sitting in a big chair, plotting and stroking said beard. The whole episode, for me, was great because it was all like that. Completely macabre and twisted, but OTT and cheerfully pantomimey in places... and this only served to make the dark aspects feel really dark. Mrs Saxon's bruises, how disturbing was that? The Doctor with a dog bowl, and then reduced to a teeny creature in a cage? How fucked up. And my blood ran cold when I realised what the Toclafane were from seeing that flashback of Creet. Shocking. Steve did predict that it would be future humans and I agreed, but I didn't realise it'd be those particular humans. Them be some sick ideas right there, Mr T Davies.

Although WTF re: Martha's family.. HOW BORING are they? Leo's character was "set up" in The Sound of Drums to come back in the finale, but apparently it was cut or something. Giant who cares; Martha's family were a waste of space. Good riddance. Yawn, etc. Martha is fantastic though and I want her to come back, and when she comes back I want her to be happily married or like, a LESBIAN, 'cause then there'll be no bringing back the will they/won't they crap. I say bringing back 'cause we're definitely going to have a break from it with Donna. Haha. And YES! That's what I want to see. I have been annoyed (to the extent of shouting "GET OVER IT!" at the telly) by the "crush" from Martha because there was no need for it. At all. Why couldn't Martha have been happy being best of friends with the guy, and choosing to leave simply because she wanted to get back to her life? I failed to see the point in making her lovesick. I hated the way she said, "Oh I want to look after my family and go back to being a doctor" and then came back and made the Big Important Goodbye Scene all about how she's really leaving because she wants a bit of Time Lord willy. And for me, this sort of characterisation amongst society's obsession with relationships (down to people taking any silly innuendo or friendly hug/grin/wink to mean that everyone is shagging as soon as the cameras stop rolling) just sets up a view of wild lust and instability and detracts from the message of solid, stable friendship and love being the most important thing in the world. Sigh. AND BTW the reason he doesn't want to shag Martha isn't because he's STILL IN LURVE with Rose, it's because he doesn't do humans. Nuff said. He didn't shag Rose either. So ner-ner. (LOL at a comment from hellmutt today, "human + time lord = xenophilia? Or even bestiality, if we're so much less advanced?)" Haha, troofact.

I digress. ;) OOOH that ending! Oh, I cried. And oh, he's all alone again.. and then Jack and Martha both bugger off and leave him as well? I was like, "OMFG no, give him cuggles!" But it's all good, Jip will be back, 'cause there's his magic ring being picked up out of the ashes. Winnah. And what's this? JACK IS THE FACE OF BOE?! Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw - I didn't see that one coming.

What the hell will I do with my Saturday nights, now? :(

ALL DAY today I have been reading fanfic. Not much on. And blimey, there's crazy, demented Who fanfic ALL OVER THE INTERNETS at the moment as well; I know this because I don't read proper books anymore, it seems. Lol.
O_o Hahaha... I read them all in case there's a good bit (skimming very quickly through the rubbish Porn Without Plot ones, of course) and.. Oh. My. God. I'm skimming through ALL of them. Slash. Gah.

*inserts the usual rant about the lack of action/adventure/genfic*
Of course there's always some proper gems to be found out there. ^_^ Devil of the Seas and For Want of a Key to name but... two. Haha.

I also went to Gossamer for the first time in FUCKING YEARS and am shocked to see it still being updated, seven years after the show's ended. Weird. So in celebration, I joined xfiles. Oh yeah, there's a Muse fanfic on the board, and we've been trying to explain to Kev what slash is. Funny as fuck.

fanfic, doctor who, geekery, teeth, jip, x files, ramblings

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