Info Repost

Aug 13, 2006 15:43

This is mostly for my reference and others, but I'm editing and reposting this post here, for updates and shibby.

Eikomun and Vorko are to blame for this, but typing it up ought to help cement a few things:


Isis is 23 years old. Her mother died of a disease I haven't named yet when Isis was about five years old. She was raised primarily by her father, with occasional assistance from her youngest aunt on her father's side. Isis is an only child, though she seems to have this habit of claiming close friends as pseudofamily.

After the Skyderian Equivelent of highschool, Pyra helped Isis get a job with the Enforcers, where the Balance mage worked as a secretary type of person, dealing with paperwork, non-emergancy calls, and soforth until she got fed up with a particular geomancer dumping his reports on her.

She then got a job with spell revisions, where she eventually had her first contact with the Nexus from a flubbed spell. It's currently believed that someone sneezed.

Nexus History (abridged):

Isis's history in the Nexus is pretty much on the fringes of quite a bit as she went along to find a way to get back home, meeting people and making friends at the nexus along the way. Various events have effected her, making her a cat, a grue, and gods know what else. She even went on to search for Clair Octavius when she vanished due to the Hanover ghost, assisting Z and his folks from escaping the shop because it was the Right Thing to do... etc.

Currently surviving blood family as of August 13, 2006:
Maria Dession(-Macrow)
The Eldest of three, Maria is a Light-Hydromancer who joined the Skyderian Imperial Resistance in an attempt to defeat timemaster, rather than the Lost Angel Enforcers like her brother. Even then, she betrayed the resistance. Maria is sort of the "Black Sheep" of Anton's family, not readily mentioned at family gatherings or by Anton himself. The two tend to get into arguments that quickly escilate into a childish mess. She also is a bit of a prankster, as well.

She is also a rarity in the fact that she revoked the Macrow name when she got married, it's hyphonated on documents and important shibby, but she commonly introduces herself without it, and prefers to be known this way.

Maria is taller than anton, having dark purple hair like her brother, but very very blue eyes and lighter skin (though you have to have them together to really tell). She's built lean, like a female runner.

Anton Macrow
Isis's father, former Enforcer commander and now High Councilman of Lost Angels. Calm, collected, sensible man. Levelheaded, except in the case of his sister. Prefers situations explained, rather than going in bullheaded and not knowing. He also served during the end of the Timemaster war, which is presumably when he lost his eye, he doesn't talk about it often.

Physical description is a man a few inches taller than Isis, dark purple hair, glasses, and an eyepatch over the left eye. Purple eyes and fairly dark skin. Average appearence, really.

Sarah Macrow
The youngest of the three, Sarah was the one that helped raise Isis. She is, like her older brother, a Lightmage.

Sarah is also taller than Anton, though not by much. Sarah is different in the fact that she has pure white hair and purple eyes. This is due to her mother having white hair.

Sarah is a music teacher, as well. It's from her that Isis learned to play the piano. Isis looks up to Sarah in this respect, due to this.

Isis's Grandmother (unnamed, likely not to be named unless required): (for reference) Naturally white hair, blue eyes.

Isis's Grandfather (unnamed, likely not to be named unless required): (For reference) Naturally purple hair, dark purple eyes.

"Claimed" Family thus far as of August 13, 2006:

Pyra Trake (pyra_trake)
Clair Octavius (ockette)
Some (some_thing_)
*Special note on Some: Despite the fact that he attacked her and Eiko, she's still considering him family, just... straddling the line between close friend and claimed family, now. Pretty much inbetween.
*Special note on Eiko: Eiko is on a 'step' higher than family, so she is not listed here.


Isis is a Balance Mage. This gives her control over the base Light and Dark energies that supposedly make everything up. This also makes her mind have a bit of a 'split'. A trio. There is a Light Isis, a Dark Isis, and the Whole. Usually, Whole's the most dominant, while leaning lightways.

This makes her an amature telepath's nightmare, due to the fact that she can be holding sort of a conversation with the other two at any given time. This also gives her the ability to keep up with multiple conversations and subjects at once, as well as randomly changing mental threads when required.

This also gives her a Light and Dark view on any sort of situation.


Isis is a shy, quiet individual who aspires to be outgoing. She is shy because she has fears of what others would think of she acted a certian way, so she's usually careful. She's fairly intelligent, though shows some signs of being slightly sheltered. She's levelheaded. Usually thinking before going into a situation, but won't hesitate to help those she considers friends. Or, sometimes, won't hesitate to help those in need when she believes it to be right, even if she herself has voiced opinions of not entirely liking someone.

She prefers warmer months to cooler, though the Skyderian winters might have something to do with deciding this. Large, 'modern' cities (I.E. New York, Megaopolis) intimidate her muchly. Espically all the PEOPLE.

She fears being alone. And becoming something she isn't. She, thanks to the Grue thing, has overcome her fear (at least mostly) of the Dark.

Isis is sometimes fascinated with offworld technology, though usually intimidated by it as well. Sometimes, one outweighs the other. She's even more fascinated with offworld magic, curious as to how exactly it works.

She is now no longer questioning her sexuality, having settled on "Bi" with leanings more towards females.

Isis does not really actively hate many individuals, rather, she tries to be something of a 'grey' area between most as she judges people for who they are now, rather than what they've done in the past. Only two people have actually earned Isis's hate, and only one of them still lives. One is Agent Brian Hanover, and the other is Delia Harbor. The first she doesn't like because he tried to use her. The second is simply for the major reason everyone else doesn't, what she did to Augie, and betraying everyone.

Isis also aspires to become a teacher, but still hasn't decided on what she's going to teach. She may decide to teach, somehow, in the Nexus.


Romantic Intrests have also been updated! Isis is now dating Eiko Takashima (gadgetqueen), after finding out about Eiko's crush on her during one of the Nexus Secrets games. Isis and Eiko had a talk over things, Isis wasn't adverse to the idea at all, nor Eiko, and eventually, they just... started talking more. Learning about each other, finding out that each thought the other was out of her league, etc. Isis discovered that she has a lot more in common with Eiko than she originally thought, as well. And now, the two are Very happy. Most of their interactions have been noted here, in Eiko's memories.

It should be noted that neither one of us (myself and Eikomun) didn't really know what would happen at the beginning of this, it just happened, really. And to be honest, I have no idea how Isis knew that was Eiko's secret, one of those "Pup knows more than I do" things.

Isis can speak fluently in Skyderian, Common (though some phrases are occasionally lost on her, and she occasionally has to pause for phrasing), and she is currently learning Japanese from Eiko.

Official stats:

She is 5'1'', weighing in at roughly a 114lbs or so. Using this weight chart to determine this. She has been described as "Busty" for her height, C's bordering on D's (depending on the type, to be honest), to be precise. Thank you my dearest Girlfriend for helping me work this out. She's not overly fond with being as chesty as she is some days, but has grown used to it.

She has also been described as physically attractive, though she doesn't always see this herself unless she hears it from certian folks.

Her hair is naturally a very noticeable shade of purple. As are her eyes, though her eyes are a slightly different tint to it. She is extremely nearsighted, though can usually make out shapes of far away individuals, and tends to use aurasight to compensate when not wearing her glasses. When her hair is down completely, it's to her mid-back in length, and is roughly straight.

Her skintone is smewhat darker than average, enough to remain considered 'cacasiuan', but simply appearing mostly tanned. This is probably thanks to the fact that Skydera is a desert world. At least, the area SHE lives in.

General Appearence (clothes, what she usually wears):
Isis tends to wear looser clothes that are designed to keep the wearer at least semi-cool in the warmer months, sandals as well. Regardless of their appearence, the materials made and such. Her ears are also pierced, in four places, the lobes, and upper ears. Small rings with crystals are worn in the upper ears, and small buds or hoops in the lobes.

Yes, a lot of the information is reposted over again, but all things considered, A lot's happened since I last updated this, plus I'm putting a lot more information in the same place, like Isis's family, so I don't have to comb the journal as much for stuff.

Isis arts by others (Mostly for reference):

'Bolo' In Winterland by Meggan Used as Isis's 'classic' default icon, the eyes with the glasses.
4000 hit gift art, also by Meggan Used as Isis's :D Icon.
Enfocer "Bolo" Fight, also by Meggan., used as Isis's "Determined" Icon.
Isis in SHARPIE by Usagihinorei. In the old Enforcer armor design. Used as Isis's Staff icon.
Eiko and Isis sitting together in the Sanctuary, by Indigo. Used as one of Isis's Eiko/Isis icons.

I, personally, have done plenty of arts, but most of them are found in the scraps section of my Deviantart Account.

I'm also attempting to write out the Skyderian Language, which is on this post.

I've updated this with more stuff.

maria macrow, isis's family, appearence, aunt maria, official stats, maria dession, anton macrow, family, isisarts, father, ooc posts, informational posts, updatery, claimed family, some, relationship, ockette!clair, sarah macrow, isis notes, clair, eiko

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