OOC: Meme

Aug 12, 2006 20:54

Found around and doing it for the hell of it:

What is your character's name?
Isis Macrow

How old is he/she?

What is your character's race/species?
Human, female, Skyderian Balance Mage.

Do they have a crush?
She is in a relationship with Eiko (gadgetqueen), and due to this, has no crushes otherwise.

Do they have many friends?
Quite a few.

What planet is your character from?
Skydera Prime

Does your character like to eat?
Isis loves a well cooked meal, but will not overindulge in eating.

What's his/her favorite food?
Chicken Salads of varying kinds, a mixture of foods, really.

What's his/her favorite drink?
Green tea is her favorite, though she'll drink most brands of soda, too.

Is your character annoying?
Not particularly, she's not really offensive in any way.

Name the 5 most annoying things about your character.
1) She can sometimes throw people off with the multiple mental threads by changing subjects when in reality she's just changing threads.
2) Isis has massive fears of being too clingy.
3) She has to remain at least relitively balanced in her head.
4) Isis has this nasty habit of Selective Ignoring of Certian Things and Issues people have with others because she doesn't like to start conflicts between people she likes. This includes Some's people eating, certian suspicions towards Clair, etc.
5) She's easily lost in 'modern' customs, due to being from 3237

Is your character loved? (as in does anyone have a crush on them?)
By quite a few people, Clair considers her a close friend, and Eiko loves her deeply.

Is your character hated?
If she is, I don't really know. She's really non-offensive XD

Is she/he emo/goth?
Isis doesn't particularly Emo often unless she's got a very good reason to. She tries not to dwell on too much negativity

Is she/he straight, bisexual, or gay?
Bisexual, but leaning more towards females. Originally lesbian.

Is she/he a virgin?

Name 3 hobbies
1) Reading
2) Magic Study of Offworld Magics
3) Technically, the store's a hobby that's a moneymaker, as she's only doing it to make money to become a teacher.

Is your character normal?
Far as she's concerned, she's normal, if a little bit nutty nowadays, but in a good sort of way.

Is your character attractive?
Isis has trouble believing that she's physically attractive, but there are people who won't hesitate to say she is.

How does your character handle emotions?
Isis is very open with most of her emotions, rarely hiding them.

Does your character have other forms?
..Er, technically? If Isis's Balance is split into two halves, she'll be Light-Isis and Dark-Isis until it wears off. Otherwise, it's simply Imbalanced one way or the other. She's been turned into a few things due to Nexus LOL, but she can't do this willingly.

Does your character overreact?
Not usually, unless something really upsets her.

Is your character a criminal?

Does your character go to school?
She studies to become a teacher.

What's his/her IQ?
To be honest, I don't know. I'd say a bit above average, and the fact that she only needs to really have a concept explained once or twice for her to actually get it. A quick study, really.

Does your character have a disease/curse?

Is your character dead?

Does your character have a family?
Isis's mother died when she was about four, but she has her father and two aunts, as well as her grandparents on her father's side.

Has he/she encountered any tragic times in life?
Her mother's death, but to be honest, that's pretty much it.

What's the best time in your character's life?
The here and now, actually. She is absolutely *HAPPY* right now. It's really cute XD

Is your character single?
In a relationship, as stated above, and very very happy in this relationship.

Has he/she developed any relationships?
Yes. Friendships and two dating-style ones. One of which... just fell out.

Does he/she have an element?
"Balance of Light and Dark"

Do you roleplay your character?

Do you write about your character?

Does your character have a bad temper at times?
It is very hard to truely piss Isis off, to be honest. As of coming to the Nexus, Isis has gotten really pissed all of once, and that was with the Hanover Ghost.

Does your character get depressed?
Very rarely, but it does happen. She tries not to dwell.

What's your character's favorite animal?

Does your character have any fears?
Being "Truely" alone, death admittingly intimidates her.

Does your character have any weaknesses?
Her selective ignoring, the fact that while she can have three conversational threads at once, it gets very hard for her to keep up with it all the more complicated it gets. She's only human in reaction times, and tends to miss most 'modern' references as stated above.

Does your character look up to anyone?
She still looks up to Eiko, due to the fact that Eiko's actually fairly outgoing. And a few other people.

Does your character like music?
Yes. Waltzes. She also knows how to play a Piano.

What's your character's favorite type of music?
...Waltzes XD

Is he/she impatient?
Not particularly. Certian things, yes, but...

What's something funny about your character?
She can be absolutely silly at times.

Does your character curse?
Only when truely suprised, or REALLY pissed.

Whew, that was fun.

memes/quizzes, ooc posts

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