Sometimes, a little time's all you need. Sometimes you've got too much time on your hands.

Apr 20, 2008 00:16

It started with a lightning storm. Only lightning storms don't spread across an entire continent, let alone the entire world. Cracks and flashes of lightning, causing rifts to quickly spread and grow larger.

Timestar City was hit the hardest, unsurprisingly. It was an epicenter of temporal activity, the entire city was divded into different time periods.

What was worse, is one could walk the streets and end up in a completely different time period than one originated.

Timestar City, while hit the worst, was only the best standing example. It was this way across the world.

Skydera City and its mighty bright shield was restored from whence the ruin once was. Shifting Deserta Sands become even more confusing, and a small aircraft crash landed vaguely some distance away from Skydera City.

Its occupant blew open the hatch with magic, having survived--if perhaps by luck, or some sick sense of Fate--and fell out into the sand. He stood up, brushing the dark purple hair from his eyes, and stared, open mouthed at the sight before him in the distance. The white piller of energy that was--unmistakenly--a city that was effectively annhilated before his birth. "...How?"

Elsewhere, the City of Lost Angels was most unfortunate--or perhaps only fortunate--to have a temporal line dividing it down the middle. One half of the city was in modern day, 3240. The other half, however, was caught in the year 3218

Oh. Oh dear.

Who knows what effect this has on the gods?

Perhaps to have an idea of such, there's a sudden, second explosion of temporal power. Two gold streaks of light shooting into the air that are far, far apart.

There's a flash of silvery power, and they're suddenly gone.


Isis blinks and makes a sudden noise, setting down her pen from grading papers, rubbing her forehead with one hand. She murmurs a little in surprise, "..Where'd that headache come from?"

Oh, Isis, if you only knew.

timeflood, divided skydera, lost angels, ic posts

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