Title: "The Authority" Charity Art Auction Piece
Artist: Vejiicakes
Rating: G
Characters and/or Pairing: Jenny Sparks, Apollo, Midnighter, The Engineer, Swift, Jack Hawksmoor, The Doctor
Summary/Description: It’s been ages since I’ve revisited The Authority! Don’t know if I still have followers who remember those days heh
I participated in a Charity Art Auction, in which 100+ alumni produced art of their favorite superheroes to bid on. Apollo and Midnighter remain my main guys, but it seemed like a raw deal to stop there so I did the whole classic team: Jenny Sparks, Apollo, Midnighter, The Engineer, Swift, Jack Hawksmoor, and The Doctor will always hold a special place in my heart :)
Click for Fullview From AUG 24 - SEPT 6, you can pick this up as an EXCLUSIVE art quality poster print by bidding online in the Jules Jammal Scholarship
GET IT HERE You can bid on this or many of the great exclusive pieces created by my fellow alums, please check it out! [