Title: Smoldering Ruins - 13/15
Genre: Drama / Angst / Fluff
Rating: R
Word Count: 17856
Pairing: Puck/Kurt
Summary: The past is a powerful entity, even as the future becomes brighter, better and stronger. Part Three of The Rebuilding Series, Following The System and Disaster. Previous chapters found
Kurt got home late that evening, exhausted and frustrated by everything. The cab bringing him home pulled up a few blocks down from his apartment. Kurt broke into a run when he saw police all around the building. He confronted the very first officer that he ran into. “What the hell is going on here?” he practically screeched, unable to hide the fear that was coming off of him in waves. What the hell had happened? Where was Puck? Why were all these police here? Oh God, was he okay?
“There was a confrontation in this area but I can’t tell you anything,” the man said sincerely.
“I live here!” Kurt yelled in his face. “I live here and my stupid ass of a fiancé is here. Oh my god, if he got hurt I swear to god…what happened? Please.” Yes, he was panicking but he had good reason to believe that something had happened to Puck. He closed his eyes and tried to steady his rapidly beating heart.
Luckily, before Kurt became guilty of committing a crime against a police officer, the officer in charge of Puck’s case came rushing up to his aide. “Mr. Hummel,” he said, giving the other officer a look saying that he could leave. “Mr. Hummel, there was a confrontation just outside of this building.”
“What did he do?” Kurt nearly whimpered out.
“I don’t know the whole story,” the man said, honestly. “We were alerted by your fiancé that the perpetrator had been spotted. When my men arrived on the scene, he had a gun. He killed himself when he was surrounded. He shot himself in the head.” The man looked uncomfortable and was obviously not telling Kurt everything.
Kurt was not going to stand for that. “Where is Puck?”
“He was shot in the abdomen and taken to the hospital. They’ve been trying to get in contact with you but obviously missed you in transit.”
Kurt swore that his heart stopped beating. Shot. Puck had been shot. He shook his head and started crying even before he realized that he was crying. Everything that he feared could happen actually happened before he could get home. “No,” he mumbled, not able to understand or comprehend what was going on. “He was shot. Is he…is he alright? I…oh my god, oh my god.” He had to get to the hospital, immediately, but he was suddenly in no condition to drive, his hands shaking.
“I’ll get someone you to the hospital,” the man said tenderly. “There’s very little word so far but from what I know he’s stable.”
The officer assigned to bring Kurt to the hospital was pretty young, at least, for a police officer. The whole time in the police vehicle, not a word was shared between the two of them. Kurt was simply trying to keep himself from hyperventilating, cursing himself for leaving Puck and cursing Puck for getting close enough to get hurt, under his breath. He thought of worst case scenarios and how Beth could never survive without her father overwhelmed him. He also thought of himself and how much he relied on Puck. He needed Puck to be alright. Puck had to be alright. He thought of nothing but Puck and his well being until he ran out of the car and toward the hospital.
It was a relief to actually get to the hospital. The woman at the reception desk looked up surprised to see the police officer, but it was Kurt who demanded all of her attention. He knew how to call a room to attention and he did with his presence. “My fiancé was brought here, shot,” Kurt whispered, but with intensity that he was sure could not be ignored. “I need to see him, right now.”
The woman got the medical staff on duty’s attention and Kurt was taken back before long. A woman in a white coat told him quietly that Puck was unconscious but his wounds were not serious and no major organs had been struck at all. When she told him that his fiancé was going to be just fine, his heart stopped its frantic beating and slowed enough to where he could see without blurring vision.
“Oh my god, thank you.”
When he was finally allowed to see Puck, though, it didn’t matter that the other man was going to be okay. Kurt saw him lying in a hospital bed, unconscious and with a large amount of bandaging over his midsection and started sobbing. He was pale in the face and surrounded by monitoring devices and it just hurt to see him like that. “What on earth were you thinking?” he asked. As inappropriate as it seemed to be angry at Puck, Kurt knew that he had been doing something absolutely stupid to get this close.
He sat with Puck for a long time, holding his hand, shaking his head from side to side and before long Puck started to come to. The nurses had been expecting it soon, so immediately two women came inside the room, but Kurt felt like he and his fiancé were alone. He resisted the urge to slap him when he looked around the room and asked where he was. “Kurt?” he asked softly, meeting Kurt’s eyes. “Hey, Kurt, what are you doing here?”
“You have no idea how badly I want to slap you right now,” Kurt whispered through his tears. If his beloved wasn’t in such a pathetic, sad state, he would have in the rage that rushed through him. “Do you remember how you got here?”
Puck frowned but then the realization of where he was seemed to hit him. “Yeah, I do remember,” he said, shaking his head a little bit. “He was holding a gun up against me and then the police came, cause I…I called the police because I knew I’d find him. I needed to not be…uh, completely stupid.”
“You confronted him, didn’t you?” Kurt ranted, unable to stop himself despite the look on the staff’s faces. “Oh my god, Noah, you confronted the deranged man who did all of those horrible things to you. You could have been killed! Do you realize that you were shot? What if he had shot you somewhere else and you died tonight? You very well could have died! Do you know where that would leave me and your daughter?”
Puck nodded slowly. “I deserved that,” he said, still obviously drowsy. “I just had to confront him Kurt. I couldn’t keep living in fear of him. I had to see him face to face and actually handle this or he was going to haunt my nightmares forever.”
“We need to take his vitals,” a woman said, getting between them.
“Wait, is he dead?” Puck asked as she began to fuss with him. Kurt backed off to let the medical workers do their job. He couldn’t stop shaking and crying he was just so damned frustrated. “I remember seeing blood on the wall…”
“He’s dead,” Kurt whispered softly. “He killed himself.”
Through Kurt’s tears, he saw Puck’s dazed smile.