Title: Desperate Endeavor - 11/?
Genre: Angst / AU
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine, Brittany/Tina (side pairing)
Summary: AU - Kurt calls an escort service and gets a little more than he bargained for in the boy they send. He may be falling for Blaine but he isn't going to let his life become a "Pretty Woman" type cliche.
Kurt did not plan on having guests the next morning but he found it hard to deny Tina when she called. He always found it hard to deny Brittany and Tina both. Mike was still in town and the girls wanted him to see Kurt’s home before he left. He had to give it to them because he didn’t have very many off days, but he wasn’t exactly sure how Blaine felt about it. If the way his face went pale indicated anything, the boy wasn’t exactly in love with the idea and Kurt immediately felt guilty for proposing they come over.
“I can leave,” he said softly. "I know that your friends are really important to you and you should enjoy your off day."
"Nonsense," Kurt said softly. "I want you to be here, alright?”
He felt even worse however, when they arrived and Tina and Brittany immediately gave Blaine a knowing look. They knew who he was and what he was. Blaine flinched under the heavy gazes, but then Brittany lunged forward and pulled him into a tender hug. "I know who you are," she said softly, her voice low, like the voice of someone who was telling a deep secret. "Kurt's in love with you. You make him shine brightly like he's never done in his entire life."
Blaine gaped at her like he wasn’t sure what to say. He looked back over to Kurt with a look of panic at that was so pathetic it melted his heart. It was a pretty common reaction for someone who had never met Brittany before, but still, Tina was quick to intervene and shake Blaine’s hand. It was amazing how Brittany and Tina had come to complete each other over the years. Kurt would have never guessed when they were kids. “I have to agree with my girl here,” she said softly, “but enough of that. Nice to meet you, Blaine.”
“I recognize you,” Mike said quickly, looking Blaine over.
“You must be mistaken,” Blaine said softly, looking Mike over as well.
“No,” Blaine said. “You’re the guy who Kurt was talking about at Tina’s shower. He said that he was interested in a guy who went to Dalton. I had this casual friend, Wes Kim, do you know him? He was in the West Central Ohio Asian Society and everything. We used to sometimes hang out. When Kurt told me he liked a guy from Dalton I asked Wes and he practically had a heart attack.”
“Oh, I do remember him,” he said. “I don’t really remember when he and I attended anything together but that’s cool. You have a really good memory, man. Wow.”
Mike nodded. “It’s a talent.”
Brittany coughed and looked at Kurt. She spoke very abruptly and purposefully. Kurt could practically see the wheels going off behind her eyes. “Kurt, could you show Tina the new designs that we worked on last Friday? She really wanted to see the children’s clothing line you’re working on.”
“Um, yes, sure,” he said. “Mike, Blaine, will you be alright for a moment?”
Mike nodded and Blaine smiled awkwardly. “Yes, we so have to catch up,” Mike said. “I always thought Dalton was so cool. It was a shame you couldn’t go there Kurt.”
“Mike and Blaine need to have some guy-talk, trust me,” Brittany said softly, grabbing Kurt by the arm before he could answer Mike. “Tina, when our baby is older she’s going to have to wear a lot of Kurt Hummel originals, alright?”
“Of course,” Tina said with a strange expression on her face. “Kurt has been designing baby clothes since I showed him the first sonogram. There is absolutely no way that we are not going to have the best dressed baby in the entire country. The baby’s godfather is going to make sure of that.”
“Of course he is and not just the best dressed baby in the country. I’m talking entire world here.” Kurt teased the girls but kept looking back toward the bedroom, wondering why Brittany insisted so intensely that Mike and Blaine talk.
Kurt showed Tina the clothing designs, not really sure why Brittany had been so adamant about her seeing them there and now. When they returned, Mike and Blaine were talking rather animatedly though, having apparently formed a tentative friendship, so maybe Brittany knew that Blaine needed a little bit of positive interaction in his life. Kurt wouldn’t put that past Brittany. She was very intelligent beneath all the things that could only be dubbed as Brittay-isms.
“Mike,” Brittany said softly. “Can you help Blaine stop being a prostitute?”
Kurt stared in shock and horror. Tina grabbed Brittany’s arm instinctively, glancing around her with a look of horror that Kurt was certain mirrored his own. Mike stood between Kurt and Blaine and glanced at Blaine, then back to Kurt, confused. Blaine took a sharp inhalation and backed up toward the wall. His eyes watered up and Kurt was certain that he was going to cry. His face immediately flushed with humiliation. Oh my god, why had she said that? Kurt loved Brittany to death and tolerated a lot from her but even he was ready to scream.
“Brittany,” Tina snapped. “Can I have a word with you?”
Tina pulled Brittany into the hallway, rather forcefully out of embarrassment, and Kurt was left standing between Mike and Blaine. “Blaine, I’m so sorry about her,” he said softly. “Sometimes Brittany says things and she doesn’t think about them. She really doesn’t mean harm though and I know she didn’t mean to hurt you. She’s a very good girl, she’s just painfully slow and she doesn’t have any social censors at all.”
“I…why would she say that? Why would you tell her stuff like that?” Blaine glared at Kurt and then looked at Mike and shook his head. “I’m…sorry,” he whispered quickly. “I’m…I like talking to you Mike. I don’t want you to be disgusted. Please don’t be disgusted.” Blaine was rambling, uncontrollably, practically shaking as he stood there. Kurt helped him over to the couch and then shot a look at Mike that begged him to be sympathetic and kind. “I’m so disgusting. Oh god, why would she say that?”
Mike walked around the couch. “It’s Brittany,” Mike said softly. “She’s the sweetest thing in the whole world but sometimes she says things that don’t make sense. I just…Blaine, you went to Dalton Academy and…that was one hell of a rich school. Is she…um, right/ I don’t exactly understand. Are you a prostitute?”
Kurt shot Mike a glare, almost wanting to slap him too. His face flushed with humiliation and he couldn’t even begin to say sorry to Blaine. Blaine, however, looked over at Mike and then looked away. “Yes,” he said, looking away from the other two. “Kurt is trying to help me but I’m trapped right now. I don’t know why that Brittany girl would ask you to help me, but right now I’m trying to get out. I’m going to be better. Kurt’s proven to me that I can be better.”
Mike looked at Kurt and Kurt nodded slowly. “I…I can help maybe,” he said softly. “Maybe Brittany was onto something.”
“What do you mean?” Kurt asked quietly, his head jerking up.
Blaine shook his head.
“I don’t know what that crazy girl is on,” he said. “Nobody can really help me, alright? They’re going to kill me when I try and get out of my contract with them and I can’t do this.”
“My business is located in Ohio, where my uncle lives. I’m in charge of Human Resources at the moment. I think that I actually have the means to help. I was just telling Brittany and Tina on the way that I need to hire a couple of people on a temporary basis. It’s in Ohio, so…yeah. Blaine, I would love to take on a new set of hands.”
Blaine looked at Kurt and then back to Mike. “I have no experience,” he said softly.
“It’s alright,” Mike said.
Brittany and Tina then returned. Tina still had a very tight grip on her girlfriend’s arm. The blonde just looked pleased with the world, as always. “Did Mike hire Blaine?” she asked happily. “I knew he would.”