Title: Of Wishes and Dresses - Chapter Eighteen
Genre: Angst / Drama
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Mike/Tina friendship, Mika/Sam
Summary: Mike Mika Chang was a girl; her body just didn't agree with that assessment.
AN: Want to meet Blaine's friend Lisa for real? Well you can wait for the next chapter, where she makes a small appearance, or you can head over to
joyful 's fantastic story "Pretty Girl" which is
Mika wasn’t sure that she had ever seen so many rainbows in her life. It overwhelmed her a little and made her laugh. The convention center was completely decked out in rainbows and just a general aura of brightness and positivity. The colorful displays of pride made her smile.
“This is really awesome,” Tina said, keeping pretty close to her side. Mika held onto her arm while they walked. “I think my parents are enjoying it too.”
Both of Tina’s parents were several paces in front of them, looking from side to side in wonder. Mika was glad that they agreed to come. They both agreed that they needed to know more about what their surrogate daughter was going through and she could tell they were enjoying themselves, so it made her feel less like she was burdening them with her issues. They genuinely cared and she knew that they did.
Rachel stood at Tina’s left side and kept looking at things. “This is the biggest event like this that I’ve ever been to,” she said. “My dad will meet us in a little bit. Kurt too, he and Blaine are coming.”
“That’s fantastic!” Mika said. She had asked Kurt if he and Blaine would come but Kurt had been uncertain, with the rigorous rehearsal schedule of the Warblers, coupled with their academics. Mika was so glad that they could come. It made her bounce a little bit more.
Rachel marched them over to a roster that was up on a display board. “Look Mika!” she said in that cheerful, annoying and yet infectious way that was so Rachel Berry. “The discussion on transgendered young people is at one. We have to go. I know that you’ll meet a lot of people.”
“That’s a great idea,” she said, eager. She was really eager to meet people, other transgendered people, both boys and girls. It would just be so nice to not feel like she was alone. She knew, on the surface, that she wasn’t, but she needed a little bit of firsthand experience. She turned around and found herself face to face with someone unfamiliar, a man in his mid twenties with a huge smirk.
He draped a set of multicolored beds with a card on it around her neck. “Come to the closing ceremonies tonight,” he said. “Date and time is on the card attached. We need more beautiful ladies present.”
Mika stammered but the promoter was already gone. “God dang it,” Tina said chuckling. “Everyone is hitting on you lately. Turns out the true you is quite a hottie. It’s the confidence, I swear, the confidence gets everyone drooling.”
“He was promoting an event,” Mika said, but she was blushing and feeling crazy confident.
Rachel’s dad arrived a moment later, so Mika stopped thinking about how good she felt and watched as Rachel introduced him to Mari and Daniel. They all shook hands and chattered happily, but Mika mostly stayed quiet. “We’re going to go with Leroy to see if we can find a friend of his, then we’re going to go to this meeting thing for parents,” Mari said, hugging her and breaking her out of her trance. “Will you guys be alright for awhile?”
Mika nodded. Tina did too.
They wandered the grounds a little bit, until they saw a booth that read, “The T exists too,” which was obviously about transgender issues. Mika was a little hesitant to walk over to the booth until one of the girls at the booth, a pretty Asian woman with a tag that read Volunteer on her shirt waved them over. It wasn’t until they got closer that Mika realized she was Filipina perhaps and as biologically male as she was.
“I love your dress,” she said sweetly.
“Thank you,” Mika said softly. “My…my sister Tina here, she helped me make it.”
“That’s fantastic,” the woman said softly and Mika could tell then that she wasn’t much older than they were. “You have some skills.”
Tina beamed softly. She and Rachel both joined Mika at her sides then. “I’m Jeslyn,” the girl said, shaking Mika’s hand lightly. “Is this your first year at the convention?”
Mika nodded. “Yeah,” she said. “It’s…my first year out, um, as transgendered I mean. I…it’s a wonderful place.”
She softened some at that, pursing her lips out. “Oh dear,” she said quietly. “I definitely feel you on that first year thing. How old are you?”
“Seventeen,” Mika mumbled, low.
“I came out when I was fifteen,” she explained. “I’m twenty now. It was…a really hard time but I’m doing better for it, you know? I definitely know how much it sucks, just starting out on the…the journey to find yourself, so to speak. Where are you from - uh and I didn’t get your name?”
“It’s Mika,” she said. “We’re from Lima, it’s…”
“I don’t even have to know where it is, to know what kind of town you’re talking about,” she said.
Mika looked to Rachel and Tina, realizing that she had completely ignored their presence. Tina smiled. “Oh Rachel, we should go see if Kurt and Blaine are here yet.” Mika knew that Tina was trying to give her more alone time to talk to the girl and honestly, she was thankful for it. Jeslyn seemed absolutely fascinating.
“I’m gonna take a break sweetie,” Jeslyn told the man at the booth with her. She nodded her head and Mika followed after her to a place behind one of the many tents. It was pretty private. “I grew up in a pretty similar town,” she said honestly. “It was conservative, just another Midwestern town. It was pretty bad there for me. I knew I was trans for awhile, I looked it up pretty young. It just…couldn’t be what happened to me, you know? Because I knew that nobody was going to understand what it meant, what I was feeling. I got lucky though.”
“What happened?”
“I came out to my family. It wasn’t the horror story I thought it would be. My parents didn’t support me at all and were pretty much horrible about it. They almost kicked me out of the house, but I found that I had been living with an angel all along.”
“Who?” Mika asked softly, thinking about how hopeless she had been, when her parents kicked her out. If someone had been there to stop them from doing what they did, things could have been so different.
“My brother,” the girl shared, smiling brightly. “I have an older brother, Chris. He’s twenty-four now and around here somewhere. He told my parents that if they kicked his little sister out of the house then he was going to give me a place to stay and they would lose both their son and their daughter. He gave them a reality check and I’m totally thankful for them.”
She smiled at Mika and then turned her head, blushing some. “Here I am unraveling and unveiling my whole life story to you and you’re the new girl, dealing with all of the new stuff, I’m sorry.”
Mika shrugged and shook her head. “No, it’s…you have no idea how good it is to hear about someone else’s story.”
“I can imagine you’re feeling a little alone,” she said, crossing her legs. Mika was amazed and maybe a little jealous at how feminine Jeslyn was. She had soft skin and a feminine facial structure, despite the way she was born. Her hair hung down into her eyes and she smiled up at Mika, just beautifully. It was obvious she had been supported and had started on hormones and such earlier, or something. Or maybe she was just naturally blessed with complete and utter beauty. “I know how that feels. I didn’t really think there was anyone around like me until I moved here to go to school.”
“I have a lot of good friends,” Mika said, honestly. “My parents kicked me out of the house when I came out as transgendered.”
“Oh no…”
“Yeah,” she mumbled, looking down at her hands. “It was probably the scariest thing ever, but Tina, she was so good to me. We’re not really sisters, or anything, but her family took me in. She was my…my ex-girlfriend, I know that’s weird.”
“You have no idea what equals weird,” Jeslyn teased, touching her arm. “I’ll tell you stories some time sweetie. “
Mika smiled a little more, feeling comfortable. “Yeah, her parents, Mari and Daniel, really they saved my life. They’re pretty much my parents too. They’re even trying to adopt me, even though I’m seventeen and everything. I just…I owe them everything. I really do. They make everything that I’ve been going through worth it, because I know that I have parents who really love me and care.”
“Are you out at school?” Jeslyn asked.
Mika nodded slowly. “Yeah, I just came out.”
“How’s that goin?” she asked, quiet.
Mika shrugged some. “It’s going okay,” she said gently. “There are some people who are horrible, but my friends are good. Actually, when I came out as trans, my…um a guy I knew asked me out a little bit later. He’s really nice.”
She smiled some and glanced over Mika’s shoulder. “I think your friends want you back and I really should be helping Danny out at the booth. Can we hang sometime?”
Mika nodded. “Here, let me give you my number.”
They exchanged phone numbers and emails. Mika smiled and waved over at Tina and Rachel, who were now with Blaine and Kurt. Kurt had his arm around Blaine and was smiling like crazy. She knew that he was just as into the atmosphere as she was. It made him feel as comfortable and supported as it made her. “Hey Kurt!” she said.
“Hey Mika,” he said. “Having fun?”
“Yeah,” she said honestly, looking down. “I met a girl just now who…yeah, really understands. That’s always helpful.”
Kurt nodded, completely understanding.
Blaine, whom Mika had never really spoken to, piped up quietly. “Hey, uh, Mika…Kurt and I were talking a little bit and I want you to meet someone today, when we find her. I have this friend Lisa, who went to Dalton up to last year.”
“Dalton, the boy’s school?” Mika asked, tilting her head to the side.
“Lisa’s, um, transgendered,” Blaine said. “She was Liam when she first enrolled. She’s the sweetest thing, you have to meet her.”
Mika was very surprised. She looked down. It was a pretty fantastic thing, realizing that she wasn’t alone. “Let’s go get something to drink or something,” she said, trying to quell her fantastic nerves. She was just nervous for some reason; all that was going on and just happening so fast, it just overwhelmed her.