(no subject)

Feb 15, 2009 23:07

so, I'm not sure if anyone reads this anymore, but hey.
I made it to texas with only a few snags. Fell down some stairs due to ice (which kind of cemented the fact that maybe it's time to get out of michigan. It has it out for me, obviously.) Adopted a cat, which I'm sure most of you had heard about already.
I quickly found a house down here, and it's adorable. Two bedroom, wood paneling in the living room and dining room. It even comes with a few cockroaches to welcome you. I think I've conquered them though (I adapted my lifestyle to include cleaning all crumbs at night and storing everything in plastic containers. Bug spray was also part of this plan. But it seems to be working.)
the most exciting part, however, is that Dan has started to talk about homecoming dates. the light at the end of the tunnel is starting to come into view, and I realized that this deployment is getting close to the end. Well, not that close, I guess. but I'm a lot closer than I was 7 months ago when he left! Phone calls have been pretty short recently and way too sporadic, but I have a few people down here to talk to and to rant about the army with. I cannot imagine doing a deployment without telephones and the internet. And I don't really know how I survived him going to basic training, since there was no voice contact then at all.
Anyway, that's about it.
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