My dad got me one of the best gifts ever for graduation. I got a new camera!!! There it is. Mine came with the lens. It came out to be over a thousand dollars with the one year coverage which if I break it no matter how bad and they can't fix it for free or if they can't, I a get a new one, and I get free cleanings, so it was worth getting the coverage for a camera that is so expensive. I can renew that for up to five years. I also had to buy a memory card, it didn't come with any. I owe my dad four hundred but that is worth it. My aunt has a lens that she doesn't use anymore and said I could have. So excited!!! Katy, I know you are jealous. ;) I'll have to post some pictures when I get them loaded up. I am going to try and take a lot more now that I have a camera that can actually take the photos I want it to.
Also, I keep seeing/hearing Wicked commercials. I want to see it again so bad. And, Phantom is coming to Chicago. I want to see that again too.
I wish money really did grow on trees. Or I won the lottery. Or I became friends with Bill Gates. Or everything was free.