Apr 05, 2004 00:19
Well the weekend came and the weekend went. (ignore the bad english and laugh) The weekend did go by preaty quick only because of tech for the opera (I would tell you the name by im terrable at spelling). Its not that bad, im the lightboard op. Have about 80 cues. Its cool cause im getting to learn the board better.
Exciting thing finaly happend. They posted production assignments (thats why my mood is excited, im acutally tired right now) Next year I have 4 production assingments. I dont have the names of the shows infront of me but Im Assistant Technical Director for the first Westhoff show in the fall (assisting Chad), Im also the paint charge for Amy's thesis in the fall (also in Westhoff). In the spring im the Set Designer for Morning Star (the first show in Westhoff) and Im then the Master Electrian for the last Westhoff show (I think.). So it should be fun. Im now trying to decided if I want to take an independent study with Chad for rigging. I'd really like to know more about it. I also regestard for classes.
Sound Design 1 1:00-2:15pm M W
Technical Procedures (Materials, Welding and Plastics) 8:00-9:50am T R
Intro to Stage Management 2:00-3:15pm T R
Advanced Stage Design 10:00-11:50am M W
Theatre History I 11:00-12:50am T R
Lets see what else. Ah yes I went shopping. Got lots of random stuff. Mostly food (ie soup, pretzles, apple juice, pound cake) and then some other stuff (bike pump, fishing tackel container for my drafting implements). Plus I went to Kohls and got a cool new shirt not any of the nicer shirts i wanted but im still happy. It was nice getting out and spending money.
Finally since I havnt mentioned it here yet and incase you have lived under a rock for the past week. I cut my hair last weekend. Its no longer long but short. I think it looks cool (just about everyone else thinks the same too.) I do remember some people trying to convience me to cut my hair and saying that they would get me dinner. Maybe I should collect. My head always seems wet or cold now because its 10 inches or more shorter. Can actually feel the wind on my head. Oh and I did donate the hair I cut off to Lock of Love. I wouldn't just waste good hair like that.