Mar 31, 2004 02:37
I cant sleep. I wonder why. Is it because my room is a f***ing 120 degrees? Or is it the drugs I took to help my arm? Maybe it because of my f***ing roomate you decides to live is live between the hours of 1pm till 4am and then sleep during the others. Its such a pain in the ass. I really wish I had a single room for that reason. But is it worth it? I'm usally not in the room that much. Would an apartment be that much better? It would involve more work to keep it clean and would I get along with the other people. This whole thing of not sleeping right now is really going to mess me up cause I cant sleep during the day during my classes and the I have some crew thing till midnight. UGGG... Time to find some way to fall asleep. Its nice here at my desk, maybe ill sleep here. What a kink in the neck i'll have when i get up.