May 09, 2008 23:54
Hey Folks
Time for a change! New livejournal. College is over to this is my post college ranting livejournal. Time to start a new chapter in my life as anothrer one closes.
Things I am going to miss at NEC
*The awesome events that Student Entertainment Committee puts on
* My friends
*Being in CTE and Student Entertainment Committee
*Going to sports games
Things I am not going to miss at NEC
*Drama that was unnecessary
* 3:30 am fire alarms
*The food at Gilmore (though there were some high points)
This year has certainly had it's ups and downs. I leanred a lot inside and outside the classroom through out my four years at NEC... this year especially. Let me elaborate.
If most of you recall I went through a relative rough spot with one of my coworkers from the Barn Playhouse last summer. I am not going to mention his name here because he probably won't appreciate me talking about him in my livejournal very much, Not that i am saying anything particulary slanderous about him... slander is just not they way that I do things. I blamed a lot of stuff on myself that I shouldn't have blamed on myself. I've relaized where my mistakes were and have learned from them. I want him to relaize this somehow though he hasn't spoken to me since November. I am over the whole situation that happened between us because it was mostly just a big over reaction on my part. I've moved on.. he may have done it faster than I have.. I don't know what took me so long. It was proably because I was so afraid of losing my friendship with him. I still regret what I have done but i am for the most part over it.
Anyway,,, so what's next for me? I don't exactly know. I'm in the process of trying to figure that out. There is so much I want to do. So many different avenues I can go down.
For now though I have to get some sleep. Long day ahead tomorrow