Another great day.

Nov 12, 2006 01:30

My favorite time of year is Christmas - not for the selfish reasons of getting presents - but well yeah, for that - BUT MY FAVORITE PART is buying people presents.
I love going out, being thoughtful, and buying something I think someone else will like.  Ever since I've had an income I've begun to splurge on my family members. 
It's such a wonderful feeling to give someone something.

This afternoon I went shopping with my Grandmother. 
I helped her pick out some spectacular gifts for my younger cousins.

And then we bought a bunch of things to send to Iraq.
My Grandmother knows a Medic in Iraq who used to live in Florida and fix the sprinklers and the pool where she lived.
But now he's in Iraq, and he writes to her all the time, and everyone from her community in Florida are organizing a sort of care-package for this guy and his platoon (or whatever)

So we bought things like soap, and deodorant, and shaving cream, and chapstick, and hair-ties. 
Oh my gosh - the most important thing - did you know that they army doesn't supply women with Tampons?!  like they're too expensive or something stupid like that... so we bought a bunch of those to send.
Well we got a lot of stuff.  Oh, candy too (for her friend, but apparently they hand candy out to the kids).  It just felt so wonderful buying all that stuff.  Knowing that we're sending it to actual people who are going to use it and be thankful.
I decided I'd much rather do that then give money to some kind of charity that says they're going to spend it on supplies for the soldiers, I'd much rather buy the things for them and send them personally.


Then tonight I went to the Broken Social Scene concert with my parents.
It was just great.
I love that my parents are so freaking cool.
Mom was all jamming out. 
And Dad was rocking out.
And I was just smiling and dancing and headbanging.

I wished David was there because he would have been all rockin' out and commenting on how all the people around us were such Tools because they weren't rocking out.  And then he'd just head bang some more, and I'd just dance along next to him, and jam out.

But he's in Chicago.  So my Mom was a perfectly fine substitute (as I said).

Yay for cool parents.

But now it is past my bed-time and I have to work brunch *grumble grumble*

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