What Happened this Weekend?

Feb 13, 2007 13:43

Jim and I got out and saw a lot of each other, a lot of theatre, good friends, and even a movie. Here we go:

On Thursday, Jim and I made it up to Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park to see the world premiere of a new play entitled "1:23." It is a gripping tale of three recent events in which three mothers tried to (and some successfully) drown their children: Juana Leija (1986), Susan Smith (1994), and most recently Andrea Yates (2001). The show is not for the meek as it reveals Andrea Yates monotonic interview with police where she describes the killing of her children. It was an interesting piece of "docudrama," but as the critics had stated, it leaves you wanting more. Not necessarily an explanation, just why was this chosen to be written about and what insight does it give. I liked it, Jim was unsure about it, but I think we both agreed on it needing more.

On Friday, we made our way to AMC Newport on the Levee for the first official get-together of the Cincinnati Movie Bears (started by Brian cincycub). The group voted and we went to see Epic Movie. It was funny at parts, but I enjoyed the evening more for the company than for anything else. I think that was the group concensus overall (plus the occasional bearish eye candy ;-). There were 11 of us present and out of that group, there was only one that I did not really know prior to the showing, which is good. It was a good evening and I think we all enjoyed ourselves.

Saturday night, Jim and I went to see The Winter's Tale being produced by Cincinnati Shakespeare Company. It's one of the lesser known Shakespearian plays, but is actually an interesting tale of jealousy, love and family. King Leontes accuses his pregnant wife(Hermione) of cheating on him with his best friend Polixnes, the king of Bohemia. He puts her in jail and his friend flees to his own country. In jail, Hermoine gives birth to a daughter, which Leontes banishes to be left for dead in the forest. Whilst on trial, it is learned through the Oracle of Delphi, that all are innocent and Leontes must bring his daughter back or he will never have an heir to his kingdom, at which point both Hermione and his young son die (how Shakespearian). The play then fastfowards 16 years later where in Bohemia, Perdita (Leontes' daughter raised by a shepherd) and Florizel (Polixenes' son) have met and fallen in love, much to Polixenes' chagrin. More elements ensue and it ends rather happily.

The play was very good and there were some interesting elements. The highlights in the cast include Nick Rose as the paranoid Leontes and Sherman Fracher as the sharp-tongued Paulina, friend to Hermione. She's the one who puts Leontes in his place and calls him out on all that he has done. It's one of Shakespeare great female roles and it was done marvelously by Mrs. Fracher. The costuming and sets were very well made, although there were a few color- & print-matching choices that did not go well. But it was good overall.

And, I missed the "Post Your Glasses" day, so here it is a day late...

It was a pleasant weekend with a wonderful surprise near the end of it. I'll save that for the next post...

pic, friends, glasses, jim, theatre, bears, weekend, movies

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